We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Robots will make humankind lazier. chimpanzees share 99% of their dna with humans, while mice share 98% genetically similar to humans. Then, we dispelled some misinformed ideas about the quality of care for lab animals. Why dont you want to end their suffering? Argues that animal research has played a vital role in many medical breakthroughs and they represent human genes. writing your own paper, but remember to Vet schools are not acting ethically in their use for educational programs. But the truth that many people either dont know or dont appreciate is that animals are essential to human existence and have played a vital role in improving the quality of our lives. This essay was written by a fellow student. I believe that all animals deserve to live a healthy, happy life. (THIS WAS AN INFORMATIVE SPEECH I DID FOR MY COM220 CLASS ON THE STAGES OF SPINAL CORD INJURY RESEARCH. Imagine you were the one being tested on, imagine your skin being torn off alive, imagine your arms and legs being ripped off while still alive, imagine being burnt alive, fellow classmates even imagine . Explains that computer programs have developed more accurate results on the effect of products on humans than animals. In vitro 3 0 obj (2011). Persuasive Speech Proposal. Imagine humans being forced to breed, just so their children can be tortured for makeup or a new facial wash. Would that be considered okay, or morally incorrect? the results they found proved to be catastrophic and heartbreaking. Opines that because animals are unreliable, we ultimately need to test on humans because businesses don't know if their product will have a negative or positive effect to humans. Statistics reveal that, each year millions of animals such as dogs, cats, rats, mice, ferrets, hamsters and monkeys experience physical . show more content, Humans and animals arent exactly the same, so why should we be using them? Now visualize yourself being constantly controlled, not being able to choose when to eat, when to drink, or even when to sleep. Everyone seems to have a different view on this, whether they are for it, against it, or neutral they all have their reasons. they suffer from pain and torture, and aren't able to defend themselves. innocent animal is either burned alive, cut open, or murdered without mercy. III. Argues that animal experimentation should be discontinued because it is an extremely cruel act towards animals. Informative Speech Outline Example - INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE TEMPLATE Topic: Animal rights - Studocu Free photo gallery. B. research and testing on animals - was normalized. workers swearing and yelling at animals, punching dogs in the face, the terms are now routinely used by experts and animal rights activists. It is used to assess the safety and effectiveness of medications and beauty products as well as understanding how the human physiology works. The Institute for Youth and Policy's web page, "Animal Testing: Failing Science and Commerce," dated 2021, demonstrates how animal testing fails in money, efficiency, and, most importantly, accuracy. The dog for example is thought to have been the first animal to be domesticated by humans, sometime around 13,000-10,000 B.C., from wolves. Additionally, in 2010 the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that 97, 123 animals suffered pain during experiments while being refused any anesthesia for relief. Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty. Today, we have covered three major topics about animal testing. a. Add more descriptive language, choosing just the right verbs, adverbs, and adjectives to make your writing come alive. Unfortunately, consumers are left to pay for the consequences of the damage that The few compounds that are left are then developed more fully. I am not sweating or rushing right now, at all, because as I write this the playoffs for sure are not near to tipping off. They offer an extensive view of how animals are, their adaptations and their place in society. Introduction A. when the side effects of a drug are unknown, the results can be devastating for the animals. Example of a decision tree that estimates whether an unknown animal is a cat or a dog given some attributes. Explains that over 100 million animals are killed every year for experimentation, biology lessons, medical/military training, and cosmetic, drug and chemical testing. Different animals are used in different test, e.g. 205 005 Persuasive Speech Outline Animal Testing General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to be proactive in making animal testing less common and more humane in nature. Testing on animals for cosmetic or medical research should be banned because most diseases are unique to human beings (Tatchell). Animals Used in Research: Overview. MSPCA Angell: Kindness and Care for Animals, The Animal Cruelty has been a problem for many years. Once you have decided on your focus, you can begin to develop your thesis and structure your essay. Complication rates are getting higher with new unqualified surgeons. Additionally, animals are used in the experiments and not human beings. {@A2(BJ%I0/@j{|Au` . Introduction II. us with animals we care about. Animal testing can be beneficial in the aspect that it has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments. However, during animal testing, tobacco repeatedly failed in producing cancer in the test subjects. Hurting an animal is better than hurting a fellow human being right? endobj Animal testing has become a double-edged sword topic all around the world. Warning signs of animal abuse can be physical or environmental. Opines that technological advances to eliminate ld50 testing are also available. discoveries concerning medications, chronic diseases, and much more. Animal testing is cruelty. What is the argument against animal testing? Animal experiments prolong the suffering of humans waiting for effective cures because the results mislead experimenters and squander precious money, time, and other resources that could be spent on human-relevant . The key to It is as easy to appreciate a loyal dog as it is to be in awe of a lion in its' natural habitat. These companies have continued their evil in the dark, in countries with little to no regulation on animal testing. pigs who are tested in labs endure excruciating pain but in reality pigs feel and have more abilities than an average 3 year old human does. match. Sample Speech Against Animal Testing. Animal care standards in a testing facility are, more often than not, better than those at shelters, pet stores, even farms. Animal Experimentation is a large controversial topic across the United States because of the harm forced upon innocent animals for the benefit of mankinds health. Animals are tortured all over the world and still lack lawful protection. Retrieved from Pro-Test Standing Up For Science on November 14, 2012 Website: http://www.pro-test.org.uk/facts.php? Opines that animal tests are unneeded because they are trying to help humans. MSPCAAngell, 14 July 2022, mspca/animal_protection/lab-animal- ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. IT ACTED AS AN INTRODUCTION TO MY . (n. d.). Explains how peta's undercover investigation of bobby berosini beating orangutans with a metal rod led to the usda developing new regulations governing animal training methods. Many of the products that we use on a daily basis are first tested on dogs, cats, primates, rabbits . Thirdly, in silico computation, human body parts or cells are simulated on a Argues that animal experiments are conducted for the health benefits of humans. B. Explains that a test called lethal dose 50%, or ld50, assesses cosmetics such as lipstick, nail polish, skin care products, and others. Consequently, animal testing should not continue because the lives of many innocent animals are unnecessarily taken away due to the. Sample Informative Speech on Caffeine and its Effects. 1) Mice and rats are the majority group: toxicity studies The use of animals in laboratories is a common occurrence in the medical field, cosmetic industry, and in clothing production. This is because the drugs they use on the animals may be very lethal, some even causing instant death upon exposure. /Type /Page Explains that there are many alternatives to animal research, such as using natural and organic ingredients, and using a synthetic skin to test cosmetics. About this essay. Since it is a descriptive speech, the topic should give you the space to provide information to the audience. Genesis is informative in its content, beautiful in its arrangement, and inspiring in its appeal. B. Thesis: I would like to inform you about how animal testing is conducted. Opines that animal testing is a controversial topic that is divided between the ethics and practicality of the practice. stream Animal Testing Speech Outline. She regularly uses in-vitro testing techniques in her lab, such as 3D bio-printed Animal testing is used to test the safety of products for humans. (n.d.). Opines that the animal welfare act, enforced in 1996, helps some animals, but not all. Explains that chimpanzees are infected with debilitating diseases and have electrodes implanted into their brains to monitor activity. Mahatma Gandhi once stated, The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. In todays world, animals are being used to control scientific variables in experiments including drug testing, the creation of cosmetics, and treatments for diseases. 1. animals. Because of the sacrifice that certain animal species have made, they have prolonged their lifespan as well as our own; and because of the new developments in the realm of medicine that animal testing has provided us with, eventually, this sacrifice will no longer be necessary and we can begin utilizing non-animal test subjects. However, it is sometimes difficult to measure speech perception and listening effort, especially in very young children. I am here to tell you why there should be a ban on animal testing. Visualization Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism <> YouTube, Dr. Charu of The Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods Explains that each year an estimated seventy million animals are hurt and killed in the name of science. animals started being used for experimentation and why. Example; Studocu. Although it is true that, these experiments help improve science, they also hinder medical developments. Informative speech ideas about sports. Finally, we went over the process of biomedical research with regard to the development of drugs Animals feel pain, stress, and even love. Attention Testing time is expedited b. when it comes to toxicity they need to breed, test, and dispose animals as hazardous waste (Transition: Lets summarize.) But the truth that many people either don't know or don't . ). Introduction 1. Body Yes even mans best friend isnt exempt from being injected with drugs and diseases in the name of science. One way to organize an informative speech is to use an outline, which helps to break down the information into logical and coherent sections. Animal testing, also known as animal experiments is the act of using non-human animals in research, development projects or scientific experiments. These medical breakthroughs include vaccinations against smallpox, measles, mumps, diphtheria, and tetanus; development of anesthesia, antibiotics, and insulin; use of cardiac pacemakers and heart bypass surgery; surgical advancements for organ transplants, hip replacements, and cataract surgery; and treatments for a host of diseases, including diabetes, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and childrens leukemia. OLD TESTAMENT GENESIS Introduction Outline Commentary Bibliography . Opines that people have the right to do what they like to perfectly healthy animals. Torture B. of switching to alternative methods for a more promising future in cosmetics and Opines that animal testing is almost a thing of the past, but until every animal is free from commercial testing, we have no time to rest on our laurels. <> they ripped away newborn babies from their mothers and put them through horrible treatment. Improved Essays. The publishers intended audience are people who advocate for the rights of animals and are searching for different methods of testing products. (CCAAM) offers four main categories of animal-free methods she oversees first-hand: It was in the mid-800s that vivisection - defined as scientific. was spent in less than two years only on lab animal feeding costs. Perfecting Speech Delivery. The precise number is unknown because so few countries actually collect data about every animal they use for testing and research. All rights reserved. A big reason is that most of the dogs used for testing cant produce. Opines that animal testing should not continue in our world because animals have rights similar to us, rights to live a life free of torture, and is expensive for the inaccuracy of the results. A - PLUS Literature Guides. more sophisticated methods such as in vitro techniques are the beginning of the move in the right direction. Feel free to send suggestions. tests using human cells are more scientifically relevant than those procedures using whole animals. cite it correctly. Or do you know how to improve StudyLib UI? C. Today, I will reveal the many problems associated with animal testing and the importance Animals as small as mice and as large as chimpanzees that grow to the equivalent of grown men. Unfortunately, many people do not know this and continue to support animal testing. Opines that while there are still advancements that need to be made in the realm of medicine, research, science, etc., the killing of animals through these brutal tactics should be put to a stop. computerized models and techniques are being used instead of using animals. IV. All rights reserved. These physical signs include collars so tight . Make it a. priority to educate yourself, and, most importantly, protect and appreciate all 2) Cosmetic research When choosing a topic to research on ensure that it is interesting and the information availability is consistent. Victorias Secret, Maybelline, Calvin Klein, Axe, Band-aid, Johnson and Johnson, Tide, Febreze. Out of the 1,423 animals 70% were dogs, 20% were cats, and 24% were other animals. Purpose: To inform the audience about animal testing I. Animal So why, what do makeup companies, clothing companies, and cleaning products have in common? Graduateway.com is owned and operated by MAGMA EUROPA S. z O.O. Explains how in-vitro testing, in silico, and volunteers can be used to improve the pain inflicted on animals for our growth. between us and animals that make predicting results from animal tests impossible. 2004). What alligators eat. These creatures have no defense mechanisms like they would in the wild or even in a sanctuary. Argues that people should stop viewing animals as tools to help us. II. Outline your purpose. Many will agree that the brutal killing of these animals is downright immoral when it comes to ethical code and. <> By continuing well Our technology has developed significantly since; therefore, such medieval methods of torturing animals are no longer necessary. it is unnecessary to murder and torture millions of innocent animals. education in schools. On top of that. Explains that animal testing has already been banned in many countries. Explains that 94% of drugs that pass animal tests do not pass in human trials. : to inform audience on the cruelty of animal testing, Scientist used animals to run tests on for many years because they, Millions of rabbits, dogs, cats, mice and other animals are burned, poisoned, and killed in, painful and unnecessary tests each year for the sake of cosmetics and medicine. assume youre on board with our, https://graduateway.com/animal-testing-persuasive-speech-outline/, AR. In 2011 there were 1,423 reported cases of animal abuse. Scientist used animals to run tests on for many years because they are the closest things, Lets talk about the history of animal testing, The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the, third and fourth centuries BC, they were among the first to perform experiments on living, animals. First, we will examine how animal testing has benefited both man and beast. Animals", there are four equally horrific animal-testing kinds: medical researchers will study on animals such as rabbits, dogs, birds, and monkeys. As humans, we are naturally attracted to animals as pets because they remind us of our own children or family. Animals should not be required to be tested on before the use of a medical drug, cosmetic, or food additive. According to PETA, each year, more than 100 million animals are killed by American scientists as a part of experiment efforts. (transition) Seeing as I have presented several options that can be used to replace animal testing, Analyze the various Species of Aquatic Life in the Tropics. Gather Information. Many of the methods that are used are cruel to the animal and makes them suffer. Worksheet 1 - The Ramen Girl - Intercultural Communication - Dr. Clark Name Erin Byard The Ramen Girl (2008) is a lighthearted fictional film that tells the story of a European American young woman who goes to Japan to be with her boyfriend, but there is a misunderstanding between them and in her misery she is drawn to a local ramen shop, where she becomes intrigued and wants to learn . I. /Resources <> Opines that animal testing is unethical, wasteful, archaic, and unnecessary. Explains that distorted animal experiments can also cause us to discard cures, such as gleevec, which is used for leukemia. many humans die every year because of unsuccessful drugs tested on animals. Regardless of its proclaimed "scientific value" in these fields, A. Explains that mice and rats are used for testing because there are so many of them. 40, loc. Concludes that animal testing is useless, outrageous, inhuman, disgusting, and absolutely horrific. Opines that animals are more than mindless beings. less than 2% of human illnesses are ever seen in animals. The first type she describes is Animals can be ferocious and wild, but they can also be gentle and tame. It is not known for sure how humans gained the trust of the Canines but in any event they did, and soon found dogs to be reliable companions. trials do. Opines that animals are more than mindless beings. Explains that misleading tests on animals can be dangerous to humans. Prince Charles contributed to an association in London working on the Modern scientists employ these four approaches because they are relevant to Explains how one can help poor undefensive animals by making small changes, such as not using products that have been tested by animals. Opines that people should recognize the importance of animal rights activist groups such as peta (people of the ethical treatment of animals). Outline Format Name: Abby Corbett Topic: Animal testing General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: My B. Introduction. You need to know the most popular and the latest studies, be aware of possible objections, and be sure of how you would cover them. Type the code 17TUDENT. Opines that animal testing is pointless and provides us with only 8% of good drugs. 1) Education Informative Speech Outline: Animal Cruelty Millions of animals are abused each year. Although the transformation from using live animals to digital computers may be lengthy, taking action is still progressing in the right direction. a. the fda reports that 92 our of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans Animal testing is a phrase that most people have heard but are perhaps still unsure of exactly what it involve. D. When you purchase cosmetics and household cleaning products, make sure you Select your topic. Explains that over 25 million animals are used in biomedical experimentation in the u.s. experimentation, drug and cosmetic product testing, the US military, and Analyzes the ethical aspects of animal testing, stating that animals don't willingly sacrifice themselves to be subjects of human experimentation. Attention getting device: Approximately 26 million animals are used every year in US laboratories for cosmetic and biomedical research. Opines that animal testing is morally and ethically wrong and needs to be put to a stop. donate and pledge their loyalty to cruelty-free campaigns such as the PETA or the Explains the lethal dose 50 percent (l50) test, a procedure that exposes animals to chemicals to determine how poisonous they would be to humans. You must choose for yourself what purpose your speech has. 2. Explains that every year millions of animals are killed and tormented for tests that are supposed to work for humans. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Animals have long sense been a part of human life. >> one alternative is to use human blood from volunteers to test for fever-causing elements intravenously. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Animal testing should be banned from the united states and anyone who ever does it illegally should be jailed, and given a major fine for being a savage for torturing innocent animals. Testing: Failing Science and Commerce," dated 2021, demonstrates how animal Medical doctor Gail A. why doesn't america follow in their foot steps and help stop this cruelty? b.Based off of human cells and tissue cultures mice, rabbits, pigs. many non-profit organizations would appreciate any information, contributions, or other forms of support. Informative Speech about Animals. Another problem is that the students are having problems with working on pets such as dogs, horses, and cows. Guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals. Researches have shown that each year, over 100 million animals are tortured and killed in American laboratories alone, including dogs, cats and more; this shows how far out of hand animal testing have gotten. brains are injured. The National Institutes of Health reports that 95 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans. Speaking of outline, this represents scientific essay writing date with brief introduction von a subject leading to thesis statement, which acts than a proposal. Opines that animal testing is torturous and cruel, which may be why some countries have already banned it. Then, they move onto in vitro research, or test-tube experiments which involve analyzing the specific properties of the potential drug compounds and eliminating those which are unsuitable for the overall development of the new drug. i. Norman observes, "Two critical 'wrong' decisions regarding animal tests Some are our pets, and some are powerful forces that are to be respected and admired. Types of animals that used in laboratory and types of test organ on a chip that aims to develop personalized medicine. The humane society states, Animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding. 3. Throughout moral, humanistic, and social perspectives animal testing is beneficial for medical evolution. Scientists have been studying conditions like cancer and AIDS in animals for years, but have yet to find a reliable and totally effective. Because of this, statistics show that half a million USD feel the same suffering as humansis unacceptable and must end for the The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was formed in April of 1866 by Henry Bergh. Download. How animal testing has helped the human race. Animal experimentation has been going on for over 300 years and this is just what has been recorded in records. I am just as guilty as everyone in this room, I too have used these products, and it is up to all of us to stand together against these horrific experiments on animals. We must patronize companies with principles, and encourage others to follow. endobj Animals do not belong in zoo's. How would you feel if your pet bunny, or even your 3 June 2022, Alternatives to Research has also shown that successful communication is based on trust. Write down all the ideas that come to your mind because otherwise, you can forget something essential. Explains that inhumane methods of testing animals include force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation and prolonged periods of physical restraint. An effective informative speech should be well-organized and follow a clear structure. Gun Control Speech Examples. Thus, animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, the result is unreliable and expensive. Its very important for us! About 1.4 million animals die each year because of animal testing. B. Thesis: I would like to inform you about how animal testing is conducted. Explains that the monkey scandal began in the 1950s by a psychologist named harry harlow and his assistant that continues his work today, stephan suomi. Opines that animal testing does not help improve human health, and that companies must not test on animals without knowing that the product will work. Since you need to make your listeners take a part in a conversation, you must know what you are talking about and with what exact purpose. C. You can help now by simply searching on your phone for websites that provide It is also used to test the effectiveness of new drugs and to study the effects of new medical treatments. documented egregious abuses at experimentation faculties, including lab human volunteers can replace outdated studies in which rats, cats, and monkeys' However many people thoroughly support the idea that animals should not be tested on because of the harm that comes to them while testing. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. A. Review/Summary 1. 2. Explains that animals aren't useful to be tested for medical needs because humans are a completely species different. Bradley, Ana. The Space Race. field. personal guide for how to live a long and healthy life. by Sentiment Media. Keeping dogs chained for most of the day is . Sharks don't attack tourists all the time. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready Opines that animal testing should be illegal as it goes against the moral conduct of humans and does not help society. Explains that animal testing wastes the lives of innocent animals and money that could be directed to more productive human-based tests. Need Explains that when it comes to toxicity, they need to breed, test, and dispose of animals as hazardous waste. One of the biggest disadvantages identified in animal testing is the harming, confinement and infliction of pain. How would you feel if your pet bunny.