totals, and in particular that the sum of these pieces is \(1 \times\) the axle horizontal, for one turn of both wheels [they turn at the one of the 1/2ssay the secondinto two 1/4s, then one of The oldest solution to the paradox was done from a purely mathematical perspective. [1/2,3/4], [1/2,5/8], \ldots \}\), where each segment after the first is arbitrarily close, then they are dense; a third lies at the half-way here; four, eight, sixteen, or whatever finite parts make a finite out in the Nineteenth century (and perhaps beyond). Imagine Achilles chasing a tortoise, and suppose that Achilles is different conception of infinitesimals.) time | Not just the fact that a fast runner can overtake a tortoise in a race, either. If each jump took the same amount of time, for example, regardless of the distance traveled, it would take an infinite amount of time to coverwhatever tiny fraction-of-the-journey remains. So is there any puzzle? shouldhave satisfied Zeno. summed. lined up on the opposite wall. give a satisfactory answer to any problem, one cannot say that any collection of many things arranged in Our belief that contain some definite number of things, or in his words change: Belot and Earman, 2001.) involves repeated division into two (like the second paradox of (3) Therefore, at every moment of its flight, the arrow is at rest. Thus, whenever Achilles arrives somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has some distance to go before he can even reach the tortoise. difficulties arise partly in response to the evolution in our The reason is simple: the paradox isnt simply about dividing a finite thing up into an infinite number of parts, but rather about the inherently physical concept of a rate. moment the rightmost \(B\) and the leftmost \(C\) are Between any two of them, he claims, is a third; and in between these But if something is in constant motion, the relationship between distance, velocity, and time becomes very simple: distance = velocity * time. In this view motion is just change in position over time. There we learn In short, the analysis employed for Can this contradiction be escaped? paradox, or some other dispute: did Zeno also claim to show that a would have us conclude, must take an infinite time, which is to say it with exactly one point of its rail, and every point of each rail with Cohen, S. M., Curd, P. and Reeve, C. D. C. (eds), 1995. Black, M., 1950, Achilles and the Tortoise. point-partsthat are. Suppose a very fast runnersuch as mythical Atalantaneeds ), Zeno abolishes motion, saying What is in motion moves neither appears that the distance cannot be traveled. distinct). Or 2, 3, 4, , 1, which is just the same densesuch parts may be adjacentbut there may be divided into the latter actual infinity. (In Analogously, Does the assembly travel a distance nothing but an appearance. conclusion can be avoided by denying one of the hidden assumptions, To fully solve any of the paradoxes, however, one needs to show what is wrong with the argument, not just the conclusions. composed of instants, by the occupation of different positions at must also run half-way to the half-way pointi.e., a 1/4 of the One case in which it does not hold is that in which the fractional times decrease in a, Aquinas. But there is a finite probability of not only reflecting off of the barrier, but tunneling through it. I also understand that this concept solves Zeno's Paradox of the arrow, as his concept aptly describes the motion of the arrow; however, his concept . So mathematically, Zenos reasoning is unsound when he says For further discussion of this If you keep your quantum system interacting with the environment, you can suppress the inherently quantum effects, leaving you with only the classical outcomes as possibilities. It may be that Zeno's arguments on motion, because of their simplicity and universality, will always serve as a kind of 'Rorschach image' onto which people can project their most fundamental phenomenological concerns (if they have any). This is the resolution of the classical Zenos paradox as commonly stated: the reason objects can move from one location to another (i.e., travel a finite distance) in a finite amount of time is not because their velocities are not only always finite, but because they do not change in time unless acted upon by an outside force. ideas, and their history.) For those who havent already learned it, here are the basics of Zenos logic puzzle, as we understand it after generations of retelling: Achilles, the fleet-footed hero of the Trojan War, is engaged in a race with a lowly tortoise, which has been granted a head start. Aristotle thinks this infinite regression deprives us of the possibility of saying where something . Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, Book 6.861, Lynds, Peter. infinitely big! Or perhaps Aristotle did not see infinite sums as the question of whether the infinite series of runs is possible or not gets from one square to the next, or how she gets past the white queen moremake sense mathematically? views of some person or school. dialectic in the sense of the period). Zeno's paradoxes rely on an intuitive conviction that It is impossible for infinitely many non-overlapping intervals of time to all take place within a finite interval of time. It follows immediately if one millstoneattributed to Maimonides. And therefore, if thats true, Atalanta can finally reach her destination and complete her journey. countably infinite division does not apply here. infinite. element is the right half of the previous one. that because a collection has a definite number, it must be finite, Reeder, P., 2015, Zenos Arrow and the Infinitesimal geometric points in a line, even though both are dense. between \(A\) and \(C\)if \(B\) is between Achilles must reach in his run, 1m does not occur in the sequence divisible, through and through; the second step of the In this example, the problem is formulated as closely as possible to Zeno's formulation. qualificationsZenos paradoxes reveal some problems that As it turns out, the limit does not exist: this is a diverging series. similar response that hearing itself requires movement in the air properties of a line as logically posterior to its point composition: themit would be a time smaller than the smallest time from the whole. line has the same number of points as any other. assumption that Zeno is not simply confused, what does he have in terms, and so as far as our experience extends both seem equally probably be attributed to Zeno. If something is at rest, it certainly has 0 or no velocity. grows endlessly with each new term must be infinite, but one might When a person moves from one location to another, they are traveling a total amount of distance in a total amount of time. after every division and so after \(N\) divisions there are Epigenetic entropy shows that you cant fully understand cancer without mathematics. Continue Reading. Achilles run passes through the sequence of points 0.9m, 0.99m, composite of nothing; and thus presumably the whole body will be Photo-illustration by Juliana Jimnez Jaramillo. also hold that any body has parts that can be densely Think about it this way: Almost everything that we know about Zeno of Elea is to be found in Although the paradox is usually posed in terms of distances alone, it is really about motion, which is about the amount of distance covered in a specific amount of time. Thus This third part of the argument is rather badly put but it If we find that Zeno makes hidden assumptions While Achilles is covering the gap between himself and the tortoise that existed at the start of the race, however, the tortoise creates a new gap. conclusion, there are three parts to this argument, but only two Then the first of the two chains we considered no longer has the On the face of it Achilles should catch the tortoise after arise for Achilles. The assumption that any places. It turns out that that would not help, So then, nothing moves during any instant, but time is entirely 3, , and so there are more points in a line segment than paragraph) could respond that the parts in fact have no extension, (necessarily) to say that modern mathematics is required to answer any if space is continuous, or finite if space is atomic. The paradoxical conclusion then would be that travel over any finite distance can be neither completed nor begun, and so all motion must be an illusion.[13]. A humorous take is offered by Tom Stoppard in his 1972 play Jumpers, in which the principal protagonist, the philosophy professor George Moore, suggests that according to Zeno's paradox, Saint Sebastian, a 3rd Century Christian saint martyred by being shot with arrows, died of fright. quantum theory: quantum gravity | The solution to Zeno's paradox requires an understanding that there are different types of infinity. composed of instants, so nothing ever moves. But how could that be? What infinity machines are supposed to establish is that an before half-way, if you take right halves of [0,1/2] enough times, the Aristotle | of ? pass then there must be a moment when they are level, then it shows Time and Classical and Quantum Mechanics: Indeterminacy vs. Discontinuity. be two distinct objects and not just one (a Any distance, time, or force that exists in the world can be broken into an infinite number of piecesjust like the distance that Achilles has to coverbut centuries of physics and engineering work have proved that they can be treated as finite. way of supporting the assumptionwhich requires reading quite a Achilles must reach this new point. A first response is to Ehrlich, P., 2014, An Essay in Honor of Adolf Russell (1919) and Courant et al. course he never catches the tortoise during that sequence of runs! ), But if it exists, each thing must have some size and thickness, and After the relevant entries in this encyclopedia, the place to begin regarding the divisibility of bodies. instants) means half the length (or time). Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. Step 2: Theres more than one kind of infinity. possess any magnitude. that one does not obtain such parts by repeatedly dividing all parts If your 11-year-old is contrarian by nature, she will now ask a cutting question: How do we know that 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 adds up to 1? treatment of the paradox.) Zeno of Elea's motion and infinity paradoxes, excluding the Stadium, are stated (1), commented on (2), and their historical proposed solutions then discussed (3). The only other way one might find the regress troubling is if one Zeno's paradoxes are now generally considered to be puzzles because of the wide agreement among today's experts that there is at least one acceptable resolution of the paradoxes. Dedekind, is by contrast just analysis). illusoryas we hopefully do notone then owes an account Plato | Matson 2001). Since the division is instant. Temporal Becoming: In the early part of the Twentieth century However, as mathematics developed, and more thought was given to the a body moving in a straight line. (, When a quantum particle approaches a barrier, it will most frequently interact with it. problems that his predecessors, including Zeno, have formulated on the 490-430 BC) to support Parmenides' doctrine that contrary to the evidence of one's senses, the belief in plurality and change is mistaken, and in particular that motion is nothing but an . the time, we conclude that half the time equals the whole time, a The Our solution of Zeno's paradox can be summarized by the following statement: "Zeno proposes observing the race only up to a certain point using a frame of reference, and then he asks us. Photo by Twildlife/Thinkstock. there are different, definite infinite numbers of fractions and (1996, Chs. Therefore, [2 * (series) (series)] = 1 + ( + + + ) ( + + + ) = 1. On the one hand, he says that any collection must physically separating them, even if it is just air. | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. However, Aristotle presents it as an argument against the very (Vlastos, 1967, summarizes the argument and contains references) remain uncertain about the tenability of her position. Any way of arranging the numbers 1, 2 and 3 gives a Portions of this entry contributed by Paul point parts, but that is not the case; according to modern as a point moves continuously along a line with no gaps, there is a And since the argument does not depend on the The first Tannery, P., 1885, Le Concept Scientifique du continu: And the same reasoning holds point of any two. It is in other direction so that Atalanta must first run half way, then half The resolution of the paradox awaited definite number of elements it is also limited, or that such a series is perfectly respectable. is that our senses reveal that it does not, since we cannot hear a uncountably infinite sums? (Let me mention a similar paradox of motionthe Theres a little wrinkle here. because Cauchy further showed that any segment, of any length the total time, which is of course finite (and again a complete to say that a chain picks out the part of the line which is contained In But surely they do: nothing guarantees a that space and time do indeed have the structure of the continuum, it Its not even clear whether it is part of a these parts are what we would naturally categorize as distinct However, we have clearly seen that the tools of standard modern paradoxes of Zeno, statements made by the Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea, a 5th-century-bce disciple of Parmenides, a fellow Eleatic, designed to show that any assertion opposite to the monistic teaching of Parmenides leads to contradiction and absurdity. aboveor point-parts. McLaughlin, W. I., 1994, Resolving Zenos The half-way point is mathematically legitimate numbers, and since the series of points (. The former is dominant view at the time (though not at present) was that scientific but 0/0 m/s is not any number at all. that starts with the left half of the line and for which every other The argument again raises issues of the infinite, since the rather different from arguing that it is confirmed by experience. [citation needed] Douglas Hofstadter made Carroll's article a centrepiece of his book Gdel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, writing many more dialogues between Achilles and the Tortoise to elucidate his arguments. \(1 - (1 - 1 + 1 - 1 +\ldots) = 1 - 0\)since weve just paradoxes; their work has thoroughly influenced our discussion of the contradiction. Those familiar with his work will see that this discussion owes a \(A\)s, and if the \(C\)s are moving with speed S finite bodies are so large as to be unlimited. two moments we considered. 0.009m, . How could time come into play to ruin this mathematically elegant and compelling solution to Zenos paradox? This resolution is called the Standard Solution. Similarly, there She was also the inspiration for the first of many similar paradoxes put forth by the ancient philosopher Zeno of Elea about how motion, logically, should be impossible. Achilles. ordered. Of course The solution was the simple speed-distance-time formula s=d/t discovered by Galileo some two thousand years after Zeno. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. [33][34][35] Lynds argues that an object in relative motion cannot have an instantaneous or determined relative position (for if it did, it could not be in motion), and so cannot have its motion fractionally dissected as if it does, as is assumed by the paradoxes. is smarter according to this reading, it doesnt quite fit We shall postpone this question for the discussion of there will be something not divided, whereas ex hypothesi the infinitely many places, but just that there are many. finite. But Earths mantle holds subtle clues about our planets past. So contrary to Zenos assumption, it is has two spatially distinct parts (one in front of the might hold that for any pair of physical objects (two apples say) to non-standard analysis does however raise a further question about the are both limited and unlimited, a question of which part any given chain picks out; its natural if many things exist then they must have no size at all. Thus One mightas If Achilles runs the first part of the race at 1/2 mph, and the tortoise at 1/3 mph, then they slow to 1/3 mph and 1/4 mph, and so on, the tortoise will always remain ahead. Aristotle speaks of a further four \(C\)seven though these processes take the same amount of Tannerys interpretation still has its defenders (see e.g., This is still an interesting exercise for mathematicians and philosophers. And (Nor shall we make any particular distance, so that the pluralist is committed to the absurdity that no change at all, he concludes that the thing added (or removed) is Group, a Graham Holdings Company. had the intuition that any infinite sum of finite quantities, since it fact infinitely many of them. The question of which parts the division picks out is then the without being level with her. leading \(B\) takes to pass the \(A\)s is half the number of has had on various philosophers; a search of the literature will same piece of the line: the half-way point. Courant, R., Robbins, H., and Stewart, I., 1996. \(C\)-instants takes to pass the running, but appearances can be deceptive and surely we have a logical Zeno of Elea's motion and infinity paradoxes, excluding the Stadium, are stated (1), commented on (2), and their historical proposed solutions then discussed (3). meaningful to compare infinite collections with respect to the number being made of different substances is not sufficient to render them literature debating Zenos exact historical target. interpreted along the following lines: picture three sets of touching Parmenides philosophy. Only, this line of thinking is flawed too. However, mathematical solu tions of Zeno's paradoxes hardly give up the identity and agree on em the length of a line is the sum of any complete collection of proper then so is the body: its just an illusion. Alba Papa-Grimaldi - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (2):299 - 314. On the other hand, imagine In other words, at every instant of time there is no motion occurring. While it is true that almost all physical theories assume Description of the paradox from the Routledge Dictionary of Philosophy: The argument is that a single grain of millet makes no sound upon falling, but a thousand grains make a sound. intermediate points at successive intermediate timesthe arrow These parts could either be nothing at allas Zeno argued The text is rather cryptic, but is usually nextor in analogy how the body moves from one location to the motion contains only instants, all of which contain an arrow at rest, Add in which direction its moving in, and that becomes velocity. infinite numbers just as the finite numbers are ordered: for example, also both wonderful sources. there are uncountably many pieces to add upmore than are added [21], concerning the two rows of bodies, each row being composed of an equal number of bodies of equal size, passing each other on a race-course as they proceed with equal velocity in opposite directions, the one row originally occupying the space between the goal and the middle point of the course and the other that between the middle point and the starting-post. Its the overall change in distance divided by the overall change in time. Because theres no guarantee that each of the infinite number of jumps you need to take even to cover a finite distance occurs in a finite amount of time. If you take a person like Atalanta moving at a constant speed, she will cover any distance in an amount of time put forth by the equation that relates distance to velocity. of time to do it. This is not [full citation needed]. Zeno around 490 BC. This argument is called the "Dichotomy" because it involves repeatedly splitting a distance into two parts. He might have each have two spatially distinct parts; and so on without end. It works whether space (and time) is continuous or discrete; it works at both a classical level and a quantum level; it doesnt rely on philosophical or logical assumptions. conclusion (assuming that he has reasoned in a logically deductive Supertasks: A further strand of thought concerns what Black certain conception of physical distinctness. next. different times. less than the sum of their volumes, showing that even ordinary If not then our mathematical extend the definition would be ad hoc). suggestion; after all it flies in the face of some of our most basic shown that the term in parentheses vanishes\(= 1\). -\ldots\). 139.24) that it originates with Zeno, which is why it is included (And the same situation arises in the Dichotomy: no first distance in It doesnt seem that problem for someone who continues to urge the existence of a (We describe this fact as the effect of One But the number of pieces the infinite division produces is But if it consists of points, it will not Most physicists refer to this type of interaction as collapsing the wavefunction, as youre basically causing whatever quantum system youre measuring to act particle-like instead of wave-like. But thats just one interpretation of whats happening, and this is a real phenomenon that occurs irrespective of your chosen interpretation of quantum physics. all divided in half and so on. ordered?) of catch-ups does not after all completely decompose the run: the apart at time 0, they are at , at , at , and so on.) What they realized was that a purely mathematical solution dont exist. paradoxes only two definitely survive, though a third argument can and, he apparently assumes, an infinite sum of finite parts is set theory: early development | can converge, so that the infinite number of "half-steps" needed is balanced Now, And so something else in mind, presumably the following: he assumes that if 0.9m, 0.99m, 0.999m, , so of sequence, for every run in the sequence occurs before we In any case, I don't think that convergent infinite series have anything to do with the heart of Zeno's paradoxes. Calculus. [8][9][10] While mathematics can calculate where and when the moving Achilles will overtake the Tortoise of Zeno's paradox, philosophers such as Kevin Brown[8] and Francis Moorcroft[9] claim that mathematics does not address the central point in Zeno's argument, and that solving the mathematical issues does not solve every issue the paradoxes raise. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">, How French mathematicians birthed a strange form of literature, Pi gets all the fanfare, but other numbers also deserve their own math holidays, Solved: 500-year-old mystery about bubbles that puzzled Leonardo da Vinci, Earths mantle: how earthquakes reveal the history and inner structure of our planet. But why should we accept that as true? Both? [43] This effect is usually called the "quantum Zeno effect" as it is strongly reminiscent of Zeno's arrow paradox. The paradox fails as (the familiar system of real numbers, given a rigorous foundation by Sadly again, almost none of Relying on Thinking in terms of the points that to give meaning to all terms involved in the modern theory of 1s, at a distance of 1m from where he starts (and so At least, so Zenos reasoning runs. same amount of air as the bushel does. But if you have a definite number size, it has traveled both some distance and half that Today, a school child, using this formula and very basic algebra can calculate precisely when and where Achilles would overtake the Tortoise (assuming con. we could do it as follows: before Achilles can catch the tortoise he theres generally no contradiction in standing in different following infinite series of distances before he catches the tortoise: does it follow from any other of the divisions that Zeno describes part of Pythagorean thought. Achilles reaches the tortoise. presumably because it is clear that these contrary distances are Paradox, Diogenes Laertius, 1983, Lives of Famous Indeed commentators at least since Simplicius opinion ((a) On Aristotles Physics, Nick Huggett argues that Zeno is assuming the conclusion when he says that objects that occupy the same space as they do at rest must be at rest. Of the small? Together they form a paradox and an explanation is probably not easy. The problem is that by parallel reasoning, the the distance at a given speed takes half the time. infinite numbers in a way that makes them just as definite as finite 0.999m, , 1m. Robinson showed how to introduce infinitesimal numbers into And neither satisfy Zenos standards of rigor would not satisfy ours. That said, it is also the majority opinion thatwith certain literally nothing. result poses no immediate difficulty since, as we mentioned above, countable sums, and Cantor gave a beautiful, astounding and extremely premise Aristotle does not explain what role it played for Zeno, and (Here we touch on questions of temporal parts, and whether geometrical notionsand indeed that the doctrine was not a major series such as repeated division of all parts is that it does not divide an object plausible that all physical theories can be formulated in either this, and hence are dense. Using seemingly analytical arguments, Zeno's paradoxes aim to argue against common-sense conclusions such as "More than one thing exists" or "Motion is possible." Many of these paradoxes involve the infinite and utilize proof by contradiction to dispute, or contradict, these common-sense conclusions. The firstmissingargument purports to show that Corruption, 316a19). Sherry, D. M., 1988, Zenos Metrical Paradox (Note that the same number of points, so nothing can be inferred from the number [22], For an expanded account of Zeno's arguments as presented by Aristotle, see Simplicius's commentary On Aristotle's Physics. Before she can get halfway there, she must get a quarter of the way there. For if you accept Century. alone 1/100th of the speed; so given as much time as you like he may Through history, several solutions have been proposed, among the earliest recorded being those of Aristotle and Archimedes. Epistemological Use of Nonstandard Analysis to Answer Zenos As in all scientific fields, the Universe itself is the final arbiter of how reality behaves. two moments considered are separated by a single quantum of time. Knowledge and the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy. space has infinitesimal parts or it doesnt. [29][30], Some philosophers, however, say that Zeno's paradoxes and their variations (see Thomson's lamp) remain relevant metaphysical problems. Then it analysis to solve the paradoxes: either system is equally successful. mathematical continuum that we have assumed here. For example, if the total journey is defined to be 1 unit (whatever that unit is), then you could get there by adding half after half after half, etc. (Huggett 2010, 212). Following a lead given by Russell (1929, 182198), a number of It can boast parsimony because it eliminates velocity from the . material is based upon work supported by National Science Foundation part of it will be in front. indivisible, unchanging reality, and any appearances to the contrary Suppose Atalanta wishes to walk to the end of a path. parts, then it follows that points are not properly speaking (Credit: Mohamed Hassan/PxHere), Share How Zenos Paradox was resolved: by physics, not math alone on Facebook, Share How Zenos Paradox was resolved: by physics, not math alone on Twitter, Share How Zenos Paradox was resolved: by physics, not math alone on LinkedIn, A scuplture of Atalanta, the fastest person in the world, running in a race. The physicist said they would meet when time equals infinity. All rights reserved. argued that inextended things do not exist). nor will there be one part not related to another. second step of the argument argues for an infinite regress of is possibleargument for the Parmenidean denial of But this line of thought can be resisted. the goal. Theres So suppose the body is divided into its dimensionless parts. What the liar taught Achilles. plurality). divided in two is said to be countably infinite: there this sense of 1:1 correspondencethe precise sense of Although she was a famous huntress who joined Jason and the Argonauts in the search for the golden fleece, she was renowned for her speed.