, I really like what you guys are doing. Leave the vacuum on to dry the crystals at the end. It was nearly pure THC, sweet chalky flavor and delicious. Go Ducks! I will need a hexane-group solvent or other alcohol to work with acetone/salt water to create various fractional layers. While THCA is a useful cannabinoid on its own, the synergistic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes are not to be underestimated. In my attempts to polish with hexane I have done the following: This method is as safe as any method and I personally consume 100% of all extracts I process. There is a very small amount of salt left in the extract, because when I chew it the salt is detectable. feel free to add any advice fam. What were your perameters for that thing?! With all of the listed items above done as a hobby one thing is very clear - the results are highly variable. Get some integrity already When I clean up 80%-90% lab tested extract (mostly wax removal) with IPA I am left with extremely pure and pristine THC, which leaves nearly zero residue in my vaperizor. Instead, we'll wash our current solution with hexane and water, removing chlorophyll and whatever else goes out with it. or just that less time is needed? I am not suggesting this process for reclaiming ashtrays, but simply to make a point." GW. Put the filled dish and crystallization vessels into a vacuum oven using a drying temperature between 18-30oC. and what if it is brown? No matter how you consume cannabis, the idea is to treat something that ails you physically as well as mentally. That might be another solution. It has extremely low volitility. Coleman's MSDS identifies it as light naphtha with a boiling point above 100F, so check out a typical light naphtha MSDS also attached. It tells the full, untold story of the Oakland-based underdogs who risked everything to spark a global revolution in cannabis policy. What temp to let sit out at? Second, I let the substance dissolve around 80 degrees, with some agitation. Dissolve in warm pentane then cryo crash again? Hands down DCVC produces purified and seperated results and generally is useful for the ounce size quantities I process and likely much larger quantities.. Anthony DeMeo is Co-Chair of the Extraction & Manufacturing Department at Oaksterdam University. I placed ~2-3 grams of extract in a 20mL GC vial. Just asking as I have not much access to hexane or usable light naphtha, all I have access to are generally acetone, isopropyl alcohol, ethanol alcohol, and water/salt water. Im assuming 7-10. Some even contains a dye. Finally, after 5 hours of washing and waiting for the layers to separate well, we gave up. You've picked yourself a challenge brother! slowly evaporate pentane untill desired saturation level is obtained you can check this by throwing a few test seeds in the pentane if they dissolve too fast you need to evaporate more if they dissolve slowly or remain their same size you are close. What would happen if you put an oil extract through a reverse osmosis system? That is a good way to remove the water solubles, and the chlorophyll as micelles eventually, but not things like anthro cyanin plant pigments. We warmed the oil and solvent in a pyrex dish in water bath. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, D. Gold. One article cannot cover the m" >. I'd add 3 parts distilled water to 7 parts Isopropanol from my material wash and just follow the same process for salting the water out once i'm done, repeating until I have to use the refractory index of the two fluids to tell them apart and look for that visible layer yea? How long should i wait before the ethanol is gone, always seems to have a slight smell to it. As of now we're pretty much cornered. 2. All help is appreciated, as the chlorophyll is making my medicine give me a headache in place of relieved leg and back pain. Was thinking this may be a good experiment but I think the main impurity is oily so would probably migrate to the hexane layer. can I put a butane extraction straight into the ethanol for polishing or do I need to put it in my purge oven first? The MSDS sheets regarding the inhaling of terpenes says do not do it, yet people do it all the time and many believe it benefits them. Hi Thanks for the valuable knowledge. My question here is can I use this method above to further remove the chlorophyl with white gas.. specifically Coleman camp fuel? The reason we are trying to yield pristine oil is so we could advise accurate dosage to our patients as the medicine is illegal here and no lab testing is available. Did anybody realize the pictures show this person with the dab out on the sidewalk with a vacuum or blower dude that shit has so much dust and dirt in it you are an idiot if you smoke that shit and I'm sorry for the people you sell it to. Then, pulverize/blend into a fine consistently. DCVC has a few KEY advantages over this but is substantially the same idea. I have found that when holding a flame to bubble the puddle the bubbles will mostly stop after short time and the puddle "settles down". Once unwanted seeds form remove. We used around 8 liters of water and 3 liters of methanol. We did a quick wash and it still came out dark. washing diamonds with pentane. 2) THC does not significantly break down with the application of extreme heat so long as oxygen to oxidize the THC is present. I even asked nice. Neem oil with azadirachtin has been given to children orally in the Far East for various remedies for a very long time. Although developed from and for the West Coast American adult use market, the true purpose may lay in the medical market by segregating the purest molecule for targeted treatments. Excellent post, we'll definately look into this in the future, sounds quite interesting. Welcome to a space where I share about all things diamond painting: tutorials, reviews, unboxings, weekly WIP and Chats, and more. Clarified neem oil is food stuff - lipids and fats. A couple bucks at the Chevron mart. It would eventually air dry in a thin film, but vacuum is so much faster, and more reliable. This means my ability to be patient and wait only exist when I am stoned.lolz. Trying to turn small diamonds into bigger ones. Semper Fi Brother. Rubbing alcohol that I recomend trying would be a 70% isopropyl alcohol to 30% water ratio. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly nanostructured coordination polymers that contain metal cations and organic linkers and feature very large pore volumes and surface areas. I tried many times to repeat the process but couldn't get the same thing to happen again. So first you run 10%/90% solvent system. Method #1, pour your fluid into a glass, Pyrex pie plate, place a small fan in front to blow over the top. Alas, UV radiation also destroys cannabinoids, but fortunately at a much slower rate, and three or four hours in the sun is usually enough. I saw that middle layer getting thinner and thinner and harder to see each time, as I felt like I got more out of it. Sweet amber dreams. Here is one techique that can remove any impurities soluable in water - specifically alpha pinene. Make sure the vessel condenser is cooled to -20 C. Check the MSDS because the word light naphtha only means it boils between 30C and 100C, so it can contain Benzene.. Once dissolved, I place the mixture in a 0 degree freezer for 48 - 72 hours. Joe came up with this process, which has produced our most pristine creations. I recommend against using Coleman camp fuel, because of what is in it, and how much harder it is to purge than just Pentane or even Hexane. #2 break up hc in uniform sand like grain Hey Skunkpharm, this post, while interesting, is contradictory and confusing: first you say: "After it has separated, bleed off the water and emulsion layer), and then: "After carefully bleeding off the bottom layer of water, we continue to replace it and repeat the wash process of both the emulsion layer and the hexane solution, until the emulsion layer disappears" Which is it, and why? Saw @Future4200 did a pentane reX on his ig a while back was trying to find some more guidelines before I try it. or not? This time, a lot of stuff percipitated. When in the seperatory funnel in conjunction with hexane and iso I have seen odd seperations happen. #6 filtering: pour slurry into buchner funnel after filter is ready and set. There are limits to what you can wash out with brine and if you have a lot of chlorophyll, it isnt really water soluble, but washes away in micelles, so it doesnt come out easily. Patient thinking is key. The smoke is horrible so I don't believe any THC is left at this point. First off ,freeze your alcohol and plant material separately for a good 24 hours ( never wash at room temperature! The good news is that ethanol is not insalubrious below 5000 ppm, according to the FDA pharmaceutical standards. A clear colorless liquid with a petroleum-like odor. Can the solution just be left to air dry for several day's?, or do I need to Would love your thoughts, please comment. Salt water washing uses a separatory funnel as above, but we start out dissolving the extraction to be cleaned directly into hot n-Hexane, and then washing the hexane solution with saturated salt water. Have seen a clear terp online and am wondering If any one has info on how to achieve it. Thank you in advance. Boiling point (at 760 mm Hg): 68.9 degrees C (156 degrees F) 3. This terpene layer can be poured into a secondary crystallization vessel with the steps repeated to allow for further precipitation of THCA. Is it possible to reverse the auto buddering process? I can think of a lot of things I would like to have extract from. Put back into freezer for a couple of hours and repeat 2 more times so you have a good clean product. After carefully bleeding off the bottom layer of water, we continue to replace it and repeat the wash process of both the emulsion layer and the hexane solution, until the emulsion layer disappears and the hexane has bell clear clarity. You seem to be blissfully unaware that we don't sell any concentrates to anyone, period. I have tried this saline/hexane wash before on some oil few years ago. Any tips or suggestions would be great! Part two. Then make your next solvent gradient at 15%/85%. Salting alcohol is well known. other than the diamond you are focusing on. I'm looking for an older link you posted to terps you bought off line. I have much experience clarifying extracts in a number of ways. Pentane is a highly non-polar, light hydrocarbon solvent, that acutely dissolves THC instead of plant matter. One thing I notice is it takes quite a long time for bubbling to become visible. About 2-3 inches. An easy way to get rid of them is to simply re-dissolve the non-polar extraction in 190 proof (~95.5% azeotropic) polar ethanol and stick it in the freezer for about 48 hours at -18C/0F, for the waxes to coagulate. I'm wondering if it will be possible to remove pam cooking spray from a run of bho. Another nap. Leave in freezer the whole time? steps 1-6 are to purify thca to levels needed for clean ,big , easy to make crystals skip these steps and move onto step 7 if you feel your thc-a is already pure enough 90%+/- This new vid I made this morning boils the extract and also makes the water a bit murky. Run the rotovap again. I learned you cannot cook it out. Salting down is a method of fractionalization for this solution. No chemicals involved ! Cheers. 4) I would pass this mix into 20 ml centrifuge tubes through a lab filter. In Flash Chromatography you NEVER let the column go dry or it fails the column. @mylkingtrees Ummm dude3, hes referring to the filtering funnel on top of the bottle @Guapo sir the pirce of labware that you are refferring to and that this man is faiiling to correctly inform on is called a "Buchner Funnel" It is usually used in conjunction with an "Erlenmyer Flask" with a vaccum port feature, a filter paper is placed in the filter funnel an a vaccum is applied to the port on the flask, when filtering flow slows down from a clogged filter, vaccum is turned on to assist in speeding up the process. Temperature - The temperature of the cycle wash depends on the validated pre-programmed cycle and cleaning chemistries being used. I don't have access to butane, I am pretty much a double-boiler type QWET setup (NuWave w/candy thermometer for the cooking oil, stainless steel 2 cup UKonserve container for the mash/oil). We use an HPLC Reagent grade for this purpose, which we get from the local scientific supply store. But I've run a ton of washes through it and I'm still getting a gunk layer (only when cold) but the color of the hexane mixture isn't getting lighter or more yellow at all. #4 feed hc into jar slow agitation swoosh liquid around in jar you will see it start to pull the unwanted parts of the thc-a out. I know it has other elements in it but will these evaporate over time with winterization, or is it too dangerous to even try this method? I have employed many solvents, including hexane, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, light patroleum ether, water, and a litany of polar household cleaners. Chlorophyl is not soluble in water. May Life not life on you too often. At the end of this process, you will have produced a high potency THCA diamond. Use a fan to evaporate off the alcohol (about 15 minutes) then place the almost dry extract on some cooking paper. Hey skunkpharm! Because butane is non polar and considered insoluble in water, it is the longest chain alkane that is still slightly water soluble at 0.0325 vol/vol (3.25%). 2) I would transfer what you desribe to an oven safe piece of glass or stainless steel and turn the oven to 275 F. Place the goop into the oven with lid off. Once a distinct yellow layer formed just underneath the hexane. If the sample crosses state lines, it ostensibly falls under the aegis of the Feds. Do you happen to have pics of your end results using this tek? Combining THCA with cannabinoids like cannabinol (CBN) and terpenes that promote relaxation, such as linalool, could assist in recovery or rest. and a vacuum assisted buchner funnel. To try and make that layer easier to see and remove I have tried heating up the salt water, and cooling it down. American Pot Story: Oaksterdam highlights the journey of cannabis advocates and concerned citizens in California during a time of significant change. I cover them with rubbing alcohol. easily avail at any glassware supply lab supply, or with the correct search term, on amazon . Soooo, what if the extraction is really, really messed up, or if you just want to see how purdy you can make an extract? After I notice no bubbles forming (15min - 1 hr), I pressurize the chamber and pull a second purge. Pentane: The pentane we bought and purified, however, was n-pentane and was used for difficult crystallisations that were not easy to reproduce. Creating unique mixes from THCA is precise chemistry that will spawn thousands of future products. Once youve achieved your desired crystal growth, purge the residual solvents from the terpene layer and crystals using a large glass (e.g., Pyrex) dish that allows you to create a thin layer of terpenes, maximizing the surface area. (I know the water content of the IPA makes no difference to the purging of hexane, I just mentioned it for info on the grade of the IPA). When held to the light the drip part of what remains is clear and amber. Attached are pictures of the amber oil that I extracted. After it has separated, bleed off the water and emulsion layer. I know I need to, or can use a cold hexane or pentane to wash them through a Buchner. everyone recrystallizes their CBD. They melt right in and are very pleasant to the touch, though they are highly irritating to the eyeball so washing hands is a good idea after rubbing it in. At this point, I have concentrated it down to a very potent, yet very dark matter. I usually make a QWET into your HOA formula, batches of 1-2 ohzees per batch, and so I usually just add the coconut oil, cinnamon oils, etc. It didn't dilute very easily (???). Less volatile means it'll be harder to remove.. I just scanned through the site and it doesnt look like Joe ever published his chromatography results, so Ill publish something using a picture of his samples, to explain the issues with color and other non-targeted elements. It will be odiferous according to the strain while it bakes but should not smoke or give off much odor when it reaches a dark brown. All I used was a 1 micron paper filter, DE and pentane. #5 if top liquid pentane layer is too dark and crystals on the bottom are not close to pure white let the thca settle, slowly pour off/siphon off top layer, try to stop if you see some thc-a grains coming with it.Now If liquid layer is light in color with a water like viscosity proceed to buchner funnel filtration. Please try again. #12 once pentane gets to the point where your crystals are not covered or your impurities are getting too concentrated ,remove the wanted seeds then fast crash the pentane solution by keeping the lid off repeat steps #4+ once solution has evaporated the pentane leaving unwanteds+ THC-A, Thanks @Terpjesus. I'm highly allergic to fossil fuel based solvents (makes me break out from eczema, hereditary from my father), and am using this for a food grade extraction so salt in the mix is not an issue. I added a bit of steam distilled terpenes to the top of the solution, to ensure stratification.
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washing diamonds with pentane 2023