Skills: Perception 4 1). The typi- tra effort to develop other power stunts, perhaps includ-cal Puppeteer has Mind Control powers of some sort, of- ing a devastating Area Damage effect resisted by Will orten far-reaching. Totals: Abilities 20 + Powers STR 2 STA 2 AGL 4 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT 4 AWE 3 PRE 0 45 + Advantages 2 + Skills 0 + Defenses 8 = Total 35 points. Share. The Area Perception Affliction attack courage them to play along, or he might simply show upis there for just such a reason: it lets the Nobody entangle at their headquarters or a public event and attack them.a group of heroes in energy bonds (earth manacles, the Ideally, the Nobody wants an audience to witness hisgrasping skeletal hands of undead minions, or whatnot) inevitable victory; if theyre not cheering him on, well,and then let them have it while their mobility is limited. Note that the archetypesCLASSIC BITS Perception Ranged Move Object effect is capable of grabbing anything the villain can see, but grab checksThe following are some classic bits involving the are still required to hold on to a struggling opponent,Mastermind archetype: and telekinetic attacks made with grabbed objects do not hit automatically, but require a ranged attack check.CONTEST OF WILLS Masterminds commonly use telekinesis to pin opponentsQuite often, the conflict between a Mastermind and one to a wall, ceiling, or floor or to hurl objects at them. Heroes cho gets to meet and spend time with such a wonderfulhear about their latest crime-spree and receive some group of interesting people! DEINONYCHUS PL6 MR4DEMON, BRUTE PL8 MR7 STR 3 STA 3 AGL 4 DEX 0 FGT 8 INT 4 AWE 3 PRE 0STR 10 STA 5 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 6 INT 1 AWE 1 PRE 1 Powers: Strength-based Damage 1 (Bite), Leaping 1 (15 feet),Powers: Immunity 32 (Critical Hits, Fortitude Effects), Leaping Protection 1, Speed 2 (8 MPH), Senses 4 (Low-light Vision,2, Impervious Protection 5. Offense: Init +2, Claws +7 (Close, Damage 3). A variant of the Immortal Overlord is the Temporal Over-ARMORED OVERLORD lord, who may also be ageless, but appears throughout history due to the ability to move back and forth betweenA common archetype in the comics, the Armored Over- different eras. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 13 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Vision and Acute Smell, are common for many animals. I struggled finding a character sheet for 3rd edition M&M that I liked, so I made one with all the information I feel like I use when I play. Some Mad Scientists are motivated ASIAN MASTERMINDby a desire for revenge against a society that mocked andrejected the fruits of their genius. or transmogrification. Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition - Hero's Handbook Deluxe. between imagination and solid reality, the cosmic visitor has begun blurring it, causing dreams, imagination, andTHE IDEAS GUY nightmares to bleed over into the real world.Its the heroes worst nightmare come true: the Imp The good guys have no end of crises and emergencies tolatches on to a cunning and dangerous supervillain (such handle, along with ultimately convincing their strangeas the Psycho archetype) and, like a magical genie, starts visitor to stop and put things back to normal.102 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESJOBBERNot every villain is cut out to rule the world or bring Jobbers may be frustratingly difficult to catch in a chasesociety to its knees, and not every villain wants to. More aggressive tulpas STR 2 STA 4 AGL 1 DEX 0 FGT 4 INT 2 AWE 0 PRE 2 may even spawn spontaneously from powerful fears or Powers: Flight 2 (8 MPH; Wings), Immunity 10 (Life Support), nightmares, particularly in people with psychic potential. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 9 + Defenses 7 = Total 25 points.146 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESDEMONS DEMON, TEMPTER PL8 MR9A demon is generally an evil creature from a hellish realm, STR 0 STA 4 AGL 2 DEX 2 FGT 3 INT 1 AWE 2 PRE 5which resembles various places from human myth and Powers: Affliction 8 (Resisted by Will; Dazed, Stunned,legend. It doesn't auto-fill anything so you'll still have to do the math. This can be by design of therobots artificial intelligence or a limitation in its program-ming. Parry 7, Fortitude 2, Toughness 0, Will 2. Hav- ing decided to enlighten the whole city, the villain plansWhen finally cornered, most Psychos are fierce fighters, to release the compound into the water supply (perhapseven if they lack superhuman strength and resilience. up situations where the heroes attacks hit each other asThis kind of rivalry can add an interesting roleplayingelement to the Martial Artists appearance, along with anopportunity for complications and hero points.THE SECRET TECHNIQUESome Martial Artists know one or more eso-teric techniques, allowing them to perform su-per-human feats. Core books and new releases for Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition are below. (+7), Insight 4 (+4) Short-Sighted: Has a lot of power, but doesnt know what to ADVANTAGES do with it. in ways that practically ensure their defeat (and racks up the hero point awards). Those who call them dan- NAME IDEASgerous are short-sighted fools unable to see the value oftheir work. The villain often to combine the traits for this archetype withworks to soften up heroes for an employer, in-filtrating their group to learn about their abili- those of the Martial Artist to create an agileties and weaknesses, then sowing mistrust and and fearsome fighter capable of changing ap-conflict to keep the good guys busy while pearance virtually at will to confuse opponents.the real scheme unfolds. out of sight long enough to change appearance again, either blending into a crowd or (if thats not an option)QUESTION AUTHORITY looking like someone else known to be in the area long enough to get the heroes distracted and slip away onceThanks, heroes, well take it from here, says the police more. Defense: Dodge 0, Parry 0, Fort 0, Tou 0,(Fortitude DC 13). 18 Stage Magic: Elaborate magic tricks and use of props such as top hats, magic wands, vanishing cabi- nets, and sawing people in half (often not a trick). Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 4, Toughness 3, Will 3. Newly made Vampires may be under the control of their sire, or could have a measure of free will, serving the master Vampire for other reasons. Animals 2 (Low-light Vision, Acute Smell). Demonicfor power or willing to explore and use forbidden secrets. MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS IMPThe Imp is less of a villain and more a high-level nui- of testing their abilities and limitations. Most often this technique issome sort of close combat attack, withan Affliction or Weaken effect. Looking for more? Whenas an example of the maxim power corrupts, with the they go up against opponents with sufficient defense toopportunity to fulfill any whim making the empowered evade their direct attacksgiven the relatively low +6Nobody selfish and cruel, becoming increasingly attack bonusmost are smart enough to go for area108 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESattacks or to use any perception ranged effects they may of people hostage to get the heroes attention and en-have in their array. Thiswho focus on one hero in particular they have in common. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powersswarms Stamina and give it Immunity to Fortitude Effects. panned the Mad Scientists latest discovery or invention, claiming it isIn some cases, a Mad Scientist needs flawed, too dangerous, or simply wontexpert assistance, which usually involves work. Consider where a CLASSIC BITSJobbers powers come from: Are they natural abilities?Are they provided and maintained by another villain? STR 0 STA 0 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 2 AWE 2 PRE 1Targets Immune to Fortitude effects or with any rank of Equipment: Camera, computer, digital recorder, smartphone.Impervious Toughness can ignore the swarms attack. Typically, the Overlord created the device himself, or sought out and won it. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 35 + Advantages 0 + Skills 7 + Defenses 7 = Total 43 points. Advantages: Improved Grab. So characters might run into things like exploding Easter eggs or hallucination-inducing fear toxins as they try to protect people from a rampaging Psycho. The Overlord archetype is to create or discover the powers they use to gain revengeoften connected with totalitarian and dictator archetypes on the world.from history, especially recent history, building ties be-tween the Overlord and forces such as the Axis powers of IMMORTAL OVERLORDWorld War II or the Communist regimes of the Cold War. The typical Scavenger collectssetsthe Mimics tally and forces it to start over again (such different devices and equipment, often stolen from theiras having to have subjects in close proximity or line of prior owners, or copied from existing items.sight). Skills: Expertise: Current Events 2 (+6), Expertise: Pop Culture 2 (+6), Expertise: Science 6 (+10), Technology 6 (+10), Vehicles 2 (+3). Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 0 + Advantages 3 + Skills 14 + Defenses 11 = Total 38 points. 2 Art: Equipment based on art supplies (paints, brushes, canvases, etc.) Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry 2, Fortitude 3, Toughness 1, Will 1. Alternately, the villain may wear a high-tech to fruition and they are often patient enough to even waitbattlesuit of some type, like the Armored Overlord (fol- out years in prison. Some Skill Mimics are limitedto physical skills, others to mental or knowledge skills, VAMPIRE MIMICwhile some can do both. For more nihilistic ing escape if the heroes gain the upper hand.Sorcerers, the ritual may be intended as a means of de-stroying the world, perhaps by unleashing eldritch mon-sters from beyond the veil of our reality, such as demonsor elder gods. Entire blocks vanished into the hellfire glow of the crevices while swaying tentacles the size of skyscrapers emerged from the ground to shatter buildings. The Sorcerer is much like the Mystic hero arche- tion for improved Toughness, Immunity (up to or includ-type but eager to strike deals with evil forces in exchange ing Immunity to Fortitude Effects), and so forth. pensate in various ways, such as combining the traits ofSimilarly, a Scavenger might even collect traits from two or more subjects to reduce or eliminate a particulardeceased subjects in some fashion, either like a Vampire weakness; if one subjects Protection is overcome by aMimic (previously) or a grave robber. demonhunter. Perhaps the entire exercise is an effort to get the heroes to do just that, forcing them to violate interna-Of course, the Overlord is looking for just the right mo- tional law and become vigilantes while the Overlord re-ment to double-cross the heroes, either betraying them veals the foe they think they captured and punished wasto their common foe in exchange for some consider- nothing but a decoy or doppelganger. Offense: Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Speed 3 (16 MPH). Note the 18 ranks ofpowers (or Alternate Effects) for the villain, based on what Impervious Protection along with the Immunity and Mindis going on in the adventure. This might be given here, or some combination of the three power-sets,a particular origin for super-powers in the setting, such as although even more exotic powers are possible.mutants, psychics, or mystics, or a general belief that super-humans are clearly better than ordinary people and should NAME IDEASguide human society by right of their powers. 2). what the heroes find when they work their way to the cen- ter of the villains web of influence.Although Mind Control is a formidable power in and ofitself, a Puppeteer backed into a corner may also use ex-130 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESFOCUS PUPPETEERWhile the archetype as givencan attempt to control subjectssimply by seeing them, a FocusPuppeteer requires some talisman orfocus in order to establish control. Powers: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Close Damage 7While not usually malicious, faeries love strong emotions, (Mind Lash, Alternate Resistance: Will). STR 1 STA 1 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 0 AWE 0 PRE 1 While most cults grant their followers little true arcane Equipment: Dagger (Damage 1), Pistol (Damage 3). Consignment Service. Cir-cumstances often mean the Sorcerer has only one shot at Sorcerers almost universally prefer to fight at a distance,performing the ritual: the necessary astrological or cosmic overseeing a battle and using their spells to hinder or dis-conjunction might occur only once every 3,000 years, for able foes. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books. DEATHTRAPS Overlords are particularly given to reward- ing their enemies with a showy and in- volved death, placing them in deathtraps that allow the villain time to gloat and explain their glorious plans to the only ones truly able to appreciate them before the end. Many aquatic supervillains rely on shark minions for pro- tection and offense, while tyrants and mad scientists may employ shark pools as traps to protect their layers. Some revenants are mys-tical undead like zombies or Chinese hopping vampires NAME IDEASwhile others are products of scientific research or a fusionof science and sorcery. Even if they interrupt the process, the Robots brideA cunning Robot sometimes takes advantage of its free- might still come to life, but with the unexpected fault ofdom from the needs of the flesh, distracting foes with having an all-too human sense of feeling. ATHE VILLAIN-MAKER Mad Scientist Arms Merchant is turning a tidy profit from sales of the devices. tack check. Defenses: Dodge 2, Parry other dimensions, or anything else the GM wants. Trained war-horses have higher Fgt orthem common adversaries, as criminals and legitimate se- Close Combat skill. Mimics able to copy all powers tend to be ei-much overlap between them. Irritating Swarms Expertise: Streetwise 2 (+4), Expertise: Writing 4 (+6), Investigationsting or poison, or overwhelm victims with fear. A Nemesis may be limited to onefrom too many different subjects can quickly become foe at a time (the default and common limitation of theoverwhelmed by inherent weaknesses. So a Halloween-themed Psycho might trap the good guys in a house of horrors with a128 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESPSYCHO PL9STR STA AGL DEX FGT INT AWE PRE 46339554 SKILLS Deception 8 (+12), Insight 8 (+13), Intimidation 8 (+12), Perception 4 (+9), Ranged Attack: Guns or Throwing 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 8 (+11), Stealth 8 (+11), Technology 6 (+11), Vehicles 4 (+7), ADVANTAGES Chokehold, Close Attack 2, Contacts, Daze (Intimidation), Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Diehard, Equipment 6, Fascinate (Intimidation), Great Endurance, Improvised Tools, Leadership, Minions 6, Set-Up, Startle, Taunt, Well-Informed OFFENSE INITIATIVE +3 Close, Damage 4 Unarmed +11 DEFENSE 10 FORTITUDE 9 DODGE 10 TOUGHNESS 8/6* PARRY WILL 9 *Without Defensive Roll. Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +0Innate), Flight 2 (8 MPH). Skills: Perception 6 (+7). Defenses: 1. Theyre typically hired goons, possibly dressed up to fit the villains theme, although they can also be cult-like followers (Psychos tend to have a strange sort of personal charisma) or equally crazy, perhaps even buying into the villains particular 129MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS delusions. The villain cut dealscastles to remote Asian monasteries or South American with two different demon-lords, gaining virtually untoldruins. ), any material ABILITIES 2 SKILLS 8 into any result 1 point 0 POWERS 108 DEFENSES 118 Immunity 11 (Life Support, Own Powers) 11 points Invulnerability: Impervious Protection 18 36 points ADVANTAGES 0 TOTAL Mental Shield: Enhanced Will 12, Impervious 24 points COMPLICATIONS SKILLS Ill Show You! Equipment: Equipment. What is their tie to the original villain and what isTACTICS motivating their new crime wave, and can the heroes stop them from tarnishing the legacy of a far less dangerousWhen all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like criminal that may even think of as a peer?a nail. appropriate devices for personal gadgets such as weap- ons, force fields (perhaps in place of the innate PsionicTHEMES Force Field power), and the like, as well as big equipment such as a starship or outer space headquarters. An alchemist villain typically way, she can be as ruthless and powerful as any Sorcerer,relies on various potions, powders, and other magical for- perhaps even more so. Sorcerers are often vulnerable to certain holy rituals andSome Sorcerers are ancient menaces, their lives unnatu- relics.rally sustained by their sinister arts. Adventures involving the Robot may include the following:Even if the Robot manages to create others like it, they THE BRIDE OF THE ROBOToften end up turning against their maker, being more in-nocent or sophisticated, capable of emotion and empa- It all begins with the theft of electronics parts and equip-thy for humanity. Psychology: The science of the mind might produce methods of brainwashing, psychological prediction or profil- ing, or base-level reprogramming (through means like neurolinguistics, for example). The Sorcerer able to overcome the heroes with ease; either increasewants them to find and recover certain mystical artifacts, the archetypes power level to 20 (improving all PL-limitedwhich are the key components of a grand ritual that will traits accordingly) or simply make the villain a PL X plotbring the villain unlimited power and mastery over reality. Some Imps have the same weakness, and its a deal with things, the worse they seem to get, however,matter of knowing and using it when the Imp reappears. I was having trouble finding a blank fillable PDF of the basic character sheet so I made one myself. It might require taking away the Item of Power,Item a villain has worked to acquire, or the cosmic mis- or tricking the villain into over-extending his abilities ortake that assigns something meant for a heroic wielder using them in some way that ensures his a less worthy subject. The archetype is often used blast their foes through buildings and across town. However, you may wish to sim- This is the classic Mimic type: a villain able to duplicateply treat the villains power level as fluid, changing it as the subjects powers, often the powers of multiple sub-needed to reflect the Mimics current capabilities. EvenThe exact descriptors of the Imps almost limitless power when it comes to mind control, Imps are more likely toare left up the nature of the character; it almost doesnt force heroes to dance a jig uncontrollably than to simplymatter. can give the student untold powers: invisibility, immor- tality, the ability to kill with a mere touch, and more. Totals: Abilities 10 + Powers 8 Perception 4 (+5). power) or could potentially adapt to multiple opponents, even an entire team of heroes.UNLIMITED MIMIC A variation on the Nemesis is a villain with super-adapta-An Unlimited Mimic is a Power Level X character with tion abilities; however the heroes overcome the villain, heessentially limitless Variable points, although the effect effectively gains Immunity to it or adapts a power to dealmight still be limited in terms of what it can duplicate, with it, forcing the good guys to come up with a new wayperhaps using one of the other themes. Comic book monsters may be creatures out of leg- Acute Smell, Ultra-hearing). mous power without the ability to understand or controlAfter a lifetime of frustration and obscurity, suddenly it. Totals: Abilities 0 + Powers 0 + Advantages 2 + Skills 6 + +6 (Close, Damage 3), Paralyzing Fear +6 (Affliction 6), Tendrils of Darkness +6 (Move Object 6), Unarmed +2 (Close, Damage Defenses 4 = Total 12 points. In the past we have sold for customers a D&D Brown Box, several of the Limited Edition modules, and a number of other rare items. AllMad Scientists tend to be behind-the-scenes bad of this pomp and circumstanceguys, troubling the heroes with the spawn surrounding such an obviousof their fevered intellects while intellectual inferior enrages thethey watch from afar in their hid- Mad Scientist, who swears toden labs. tially it truly believes it is the hero it appears to be, butIn either case, the more the good guys fight the Mimic and what happens when its real memories begin surfacing, orshow off their abilities, the more their opponent learns the impersonation imposes too much mental strain? Since Vampires have limited mobility dur- Vampires Drain attack. Psycho deathtraps also tend to come into play when dealing with the villains other victims; the snares are intended for particular targets who arent the crime- fighters! The classic ex-ample is a D-list sorcerer who has sold his soul to a de- Ignored before he possessed such might, the Jumped-Upmon or other entity in exchange for tremendous power. Now he will show then angry at being attacked, and therefore unable tothem what real power can do! Naturally, it also works as a Groom of thegal authorities to provide protection. Either theyll peteer might decide the player characters would makebe jailed and out of the way or their reputations will be ru- even better pawns.ROBOTA common theme in the comics onward is technology run or advantages from the Master of Disguise you find ap-amok, when advances intended to improve the human propriate. Download PDF Share Related Publications. Aas slightly glowing eyes, a plastic sheen, or a completely small giant robot (no more than Growth 6-7) may be aexpressionless facebut under most circumstances, the master villain or lieutenant. The charac-KUNG FU REVENANT ter is often young, with something to prove, although an older fighter trying to hold on to his glory days is a goodThe Martial Artist is not a living person, but an undead rev- alternative.enant returned from the grave! But soon, a new criminal picks up her mantle andThey are more likely than most villains to work well equipment, but with far darker, more violent tendencies,together, forming a criminal league or gallery of rogues sensible tactics, and possibly even powerful minions. This can also set up ergies. Welcome to the Mutants & Masterminds headquarters for all your superhero needs. If you do use a player character as the Puppeteers pawn against theSPAWN PUPPETEER other heroes, be sure to at least award the player a hero point for being a good sport and going along with theA Spawn Puppeteer does not control thralls directly, but complication.
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