She is often pictured with her daughter Anais, who serves as her translator and interpreter. Jou ma koule One thing is certain, however: Louisiana Voodoo and New Orleans had the most African-influenced slave culture in colonial America. Lol i is are waiting, mi ah come Kia.Yes Nunu ah legba ah come in, lololol, but de Haitian dem mix de loa so him dnace suh, ah so Bongo dance when dem come, lol. RASS FI HEAR WHEN ME USE TO BAWL OUT DE BLOOD!! She can be a disciplinarian, as she does not and will not tolerate children behaving badly. Mi ah dead cuasen mi notice dat to..just as bad, Good night Obara Cami Ty im so glad to learning all these things that were hidden. Kool Obara. Wow interestingive seen movies with sacrifices n tgey spit a black liquid. She is also associated with other Madonnas who hold a child such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel andOur Lady of Czestochowa. some adjustments in order to bring about this transformation over many areas of Entre los mitos asociados a la diosa tenemos la historia de un pobre mujer con una enfermedad horrible que haca que la sangre brotara de su piel constantemente, hacindola dbil y repugnante a todos los que la rodeaba. I found this article vry hlp4l.May e blessing of this special spirit be upon us and protect us 4rm e pwr of darkness n also hlp us 2 be success4l in everything we undtake.amen! Her male counterpart is Ogun, a 17.39, 57.95 Its important now to not Fiery emotions are what link her to the endless reservoir of universal creativity. Obara when u guh tell we the story of Erzulie Danto, cause its now later. She enjoys daggers, preferably with a double edge.Silver jewelry and necklaces, silver rings with a red orblue stone. For the sake of my nonspeaking self here's the names in order of all Loas and deities: Papa Legba, Ellegua, Ogun, Chango', Obatal, Oy, Yemay (Yemoja, lemanja), Oshun. Dun know sey ah so wi have fi stay. Even worse, their explanation as to why she is black. Pancocojams showcases the music, dances, language practices, & customs of African Americans and of other people of Black descent throughout the world. Agwe - The primordial sea, ruler of the depths of the ocean. A chaque loa correspondait un saint catholique. Amosah Dominic Lega is Ellegbua? Associated with motherhood and protection, Ezili Dantor is especially revered in Haiti because she is thought to have been one of the guiding spiritual . I ask because I cant understand how foreignors and papa doc infiltrate Haiti so. Unlike Erzulie Freda, Red Offerings of jewelry, perfume, colors of pink & white. She wears a robe of red and blue with a golden border. . I know people who have been told that Freda and Dantor are sisters! Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. Dantor is a mother who watches and cares for her children very much. Rice with kongo peas, sweet potatoes, and yams are a few of her favorite additions to her meals. For these reasons, one will at times hear her referred to as a djab. Let their be no mistake, Erzulie Dantor is not a victim; she is the personification of Woman Power, which is why she is so feared. They apparently hate each other; a hatred thought to be fueled by jealousy. NuNuyou think you eyes a deceive you?! correct or nah? This section serves as a basic primer of the Voodoo Spirits, the Vodou Lwa and their Catholic counterparts. So much is similar in some way across the cultures and globe. For instance, the English translation for one comment was that a person was going to hire a group to perform at his or her dance day. When Dantor mounts someone, she will sometimes vomit blood. YES AH DEH SUH MI AH HEAD DIS WEEK, HAITI!, LOL. Erzulie Dantor has raced and won at Churchill Downs, Keeneland, Laurel Park . This perfume is a tribute to the mighty loa Erzulie Dantor, who represents hardworking women and mothers and embodies feminine strength . You may already be familiar with the top hat wearing, skull-faced Baron Samedi, but these other loa spirits are just as important. He protects his followers when they travel at night. Various Ezilis span the spectrum of rage: Ezili Freda is so frustrated that she weeps uncontrollably. Petro Loas, Ezili Dantor, Haitian Voodoo, Hoodoo, Witchraft, Magic Sigils, Occult Magick, Oddities, Curios 5 out of 5 stars (2.4k) Il a t ralis en 2010 par Deronsiers, artiste peintre de Ptionville (Hati), qui est un ancien lve du matre Ismael Saincilus (1940-2000). Add to cart. Red Eyes believes gay women need her allegiance and protection the most, thus, she is the guardian of lesbians. Key words and phrases for the Erzulie Red Eyes Veve, The Hauntings of Parkersburg, West Virginia. Unoo nuh si the article on the Ma at seh them use the secret of the mysteries for themselves and hide the knowledge from regular folks. It is time to start over, and rebuild. Saincilus a dvelopp un style unique et immdiatement reconnaissable, allant des scnes de la vie paysanne et des scnes de march la reprsentation de personnages du panthon vaudou, rendus avec la complexit ornementale et la prcision d'une icne byzantine. Esta pgina foi editada pela ltima vez s 19h58min de 25 de agosto de 2021. Beauty, love, and sensuality are Her Creations. Learn more. OEUVRE: Erzulie Dantor, la Vierge Noire du vaudou hatien est-elle ne en Afrique ? Read our Cookie Policy. Unno no see the girl inna di white wid di jamaican flag tie to di worldlol, I didnt wven notice the flag, lol Obara seh a Doreen. She has two husbands, Simbi Makaya and Ti-Jean Petro, both important magicians in their own right. toilet mouth lie isi lol him shuda burn n turn black like the paintings hehe. . The ritual symbols for the Vodou loa are called veves. One can see evidence of this in Fredas saint image. in tasting the blood they eat with the spirit, it is a privilege, however in the last video, I do not like how th knife is dull, the animal is struggling, that is no good, this is my work I know, it is not good for the animal to struggle! Autre piste: Erzulie Dantor est galement identifie dans de nombreuses sources la Vierge Noire et Notre Dame du Perptuel Secours, la Vierge d'Orient, la Madone Miraculeuse, comparaisons hrites de l'poque coloniale o la figuration et la matrialisation des loas et des anges du panthon vaudou se faisait par une reprsentation dtourne des saints catholiques connus. The handshake, and did she kiss their hands? Now, at the surface this is a graphic, repulsive song. Further, slaves were prohibited by religious laws from working on Sundays where they were relegated to gather in Place Congo or better known as Congo Square. and even parallels the two more familiar Erzulies but she is a spirit entirely Reply. Among them is Erzulie Freda Dahomey, who is one of Dantor's sisters. pay attention to the call and response, this is 60 revival they will later enter into 61! . As naturally as a mother would protect her own, Mama Danto will always go to extremes to ensure the safety of her children. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. Thank God dem cannot trick me no more.not I. accumulated residue from candles], of which its age is primary., Broschart, by contrast, opines: Thus, she loves women fiercely, and will defend them to the death. Sua Irm Ezili Freda, retratada no cone Religioso Polons como Criana Jesus vestido de rosa. Many women invoke Erzulie Dantor against their partners (male or female) should they become violent. No one entirely knows why, because Erzulie Red Eyes remains shrouded in However, it illustrates the fortitude Erzulie possesses; to be able to sustain seven stab wounds, throw up blood in a sink, and still carry on. The lack of her support us what typically leads to the Erzulie Red Eyes is more extreme when it comes to destructive urges and righteous anger. If one cannot get a bottle of Reve Doir, I usually suggest a bottle of a nice musky scent, or a unisex cologne. 2-Erzulie Dantor: Esta se sincretiza en la religin catlica con la Madre Salvadora se dice que la que aparece en H. . strength. In other words, even if you make me bleed, I will bleed my blood all over you! Autre piste: Erzulie Dantor est galement identifie dans de nombreuses sources la Vierge Noire et . Dantor is a mother figure and a protector of children, in addition to being a symbol of romance and love. A diferencia de sus otras dos hermanas, En la vecina Repblica Dominicana la equivalente a diosa. Autre piste: Erzulie Dantor est galement identifie dans de nombreuses sources la Vierge Noire et Notre Dame du Perptuel Secours, la Vierge d'Orient, la Madone Miraculeuse, comparaisons hrites de l'poque coloniale o la figuration et la matrialisation des loas et des anges du panthon vaudou se faisait par une reprsentation dtourne des saints catholiques connus. We really dumb fi I was speaking to a Jew recently who told me that all Christians were dooped and conned. Ogando, Ismael. NUNU, AND BLACK CHRISTIAN WILL KILL YOU FOR A WHITE JESUS!!! Dem couldnt duh no better wid Erzulie suh dem haffi seh a damage. The man woulda rather seh the painting is damaged than to acknowledge a black saint, well damn! they see what they see, lol. She has been angered and she seeks retribution. Map vomi sang mwen bay yo, The day I am run down Mi naw call no name. Yet, she tends to be covert and Bossou est l'un des loas du panthon Vodou qui reprsente la force sous forme de taureau,ou (Bf Sipa . Erzulie Dantor is the patron loa of lesbian women, fierce protector of women experiencing domestic violence and patron loa of New Orleans. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. puporseful or just something you arent seeing. She is also usually pictured with her child and interpreter Anais, showing her care for children. Ela mais comumente representada pela imagem da Madona Negra de Czestochowa cujas origens so acreditadas ser em cpias do cone da Madona Negra de Czestochowa . Mi love the Oshun dance, the one fi Erzulie, the lady in white juss come een nice and easy an nah kill up harself! Denise M Alvarado (author) from Southwest on December 02, 2011: @Jadetatsu: Of course all women are under her patronage; however, she is well known to be the patron of lesbians as well. Dem peoole bad pon di hiding a history smh i love to see the images that look like a me. Outfits made of blue denim, known as Karabel in Haiti, are worn by Danto especially when she goes out selling in the market. THANKS TY, ANY BLACK PERSON WHO HEAR DRUM, MUST RESPOND, DE DRUM SPEAKS TO THE MELANIN WITHIN US, Thats so true Obara! and do our orishas have specific days to be served? Here are some of the more sought after and renowned Vodou Lwa and their Catholic Saint counterparts for your reference and to petition for your Voodoo Spells and Rituals: Voodoo Lwa and their Catholic Saint Counterparts in the Vodou Religion: We sincerely hope this introduction on the Vodou Lwa, Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint Counterparts assists you with exploring the many expertly written articles on the Voodoo religion through the Erzulies website, and any future journey of discovering the magical and mysterious world of Vodou! Erzulie also has a "dark" aspect, Dantor, who embodies righteous anger, is a protector of women and avenger of domestic violence. Blessings to you all: peace, love, light, and laughter. These are the most common Catholic Saints traditionally associated with the Vodou spirits as found within the Haitian Vodou religion, New Orleans Voodoo traditions and other spiritual paths of the African traditional religions as . is Ogun, who represents the iron in the blood which implies their power and their Alafia from all of us at Erzulies Voodoo in New Orleans! Obara, dont change the postadd to it tomorrow by doing a short Encyclopedia format of who is who and them Yoruba counterparts. you. erzulie-dantor-lwa- voodoo spirit ezili danto vodou Mama Mambo Ezili Danto - Haitian Vodou Petro Lwa: Ezili Dantor (pronounced eh-zee-lee Dahn-tor) is by far one of the most popular female Petro Lwa. Por otra parte, a pesar de su fama de promiscua, Cmo cancelar maldiciones heredadas para tu familia. Ezili Dantor ( pronounced DAN-tor) is one of the important mysteries served in Vodou, and is famous throughout both Haiti and the Diaspora. Ezil Dantor or Erzulie Dant is the main loa (or lwa) or senior spirit of the Petro family in Haitian Vodou. On the contrary, it is a clear indication that Dantor is pissed off at the individual and will punish him or her. Jou ma koule Se debe tener en cuenta que ningun hechizo funcionara si no se hace la preparacion previa necesaria, y que estan descriptos a manera de datos aislados. When I was looking for my image and Tys image I knew i saw the markings underneath other images where they lighten up the featuresis like painters couldnt resistthe streaks are there but the eyes have to be good to see them. She is the most perfect mother one could wish to have.Dantor is a mother who watches and cares for her children very much. Thus, she is mute and can only speak a stammering monosyllable, "ke-ke-ke-ke-ke!" Buy It Now. Apr 14, 2009; Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share. Certains, tels des disciples du matre, avaient l'insigne honneur (comme c'est l'usage en Hati) de raliser les fonds et les contours de ses uvres, caractriss par des arabesques complexes et des motifs gomtriques chaque fois diffrents. I will vomit my blood and give it to them. Someone may be having vengeful feelings toward you, or vice Saincilus a ralis de nombreux tableaux reprsentants Erzulie, dans des dclinaisons varies: Erzulie Freda, Erzulie G-rouge, Erzulie Kaoulo, Erzulie Dantor. Ketch di wheel an tun and di foot plat dem! Es una guerrera y especialmente protege con fiereza a mujeres y nios. As we address in our history of the Louisiana Voodoo Religion and New Orleans Voodoo: The origins of Louisiana Voodoo and New Orleans Voodoo remain the subject of controversy, with much conflicting information available. glow like burning embers, Erzulie Red Eyes is another aspect of the Voodoo goddess Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Erzulie Dantor is depicted as the Black Madonna, draped in luxurious robes with a crown on her head. The passion of Erzulie Red Eyes sears and seethes. Voodoo may bring to mind pinned dolls, horrible voodoo curses, and headless chickens, but it is actually a very rich religion and way of life that includes many types of loa voodoo spirits. IS LIKE WE REN LALIBELA AH BAWL OUT POWER FI MANLEY! La Madama statues are also used to represent her, as is the Queen of Spades playing card. I have been dreaming every Tuesday night, of me having sex with a dark skinned woman, sometimes she look young , and sometimes older. She is the patron of Kanzo pakets and theQueen of Sanpwel, thus she is also sometimes offeredkleren, which may or may not be steeped in her sacredherbs. in Daily Posts, Obeah/Voodoo Aug 4, 2008 256 6. ERZULIE DANTHOR, the Goddess of love, the great female spirit, is represented by her veve (symbol), the heart, and her two knives for protection. Veves are sacred symbols in the Vodou tradition. Night Kia B!!! As explained in our Voodoo Articles on Haitian Vodou, Vodou Altars and Shrines and the History of . Some will say that Mama Danto has seven children. RT @EhhYehhh: Erzulie Dantor is the #wife of Ogun. Reply. There are those who represent love, romance, and fertility in addition to death and war. Dantor also receivesblack hens, but these are more often used in magic on her point or as a small payment for work or a contract. Baron Samedi is probably the most visually recognizable of all the loa, known for wearing a suit with tails and a top hat, and featuring a skull for a face. will not come about in the way you expect it to. I reflect these scars of oral tradition on my Voodoo dolls. No hubo curanderos que pudiera ayudarla, y ella se consumi en maldicin, hasta que finalmente ella se at el pelo y se fue en un viaje para encontrar a la diosa, Por otra parte tenemos que la esposa oficial de. Su nombre parece estar relacionado con Ezi-Aku que significa "la diosa serpiente" a la cual se le rindi culto en el norte de Nigeria. Unfortunately, these recreations are usually caricatures and often give voodoo the reputation of being creepy and evil. She is associated with the Lukumi Orisha Oshun, and sometimes Chang (as Erzulie Dantor). She is the principle of motherhood, the strong and ferocious woman who works very hard for her family. Thanks to Mambo Racine Sans Boutsa The la Daginen for much of the information on this page. Ce tableau est une reprsentation d'Erzulie Dantor identifie la Vierge Noire, figure trs puissante du panthon vaudou. Creme de Cacao can also be offered to Dantor, but only at certain times and in certain instances. Set koud kouto, set koud pwenyad She is known to be a wise businesswoman. Erzulie Red Eyes is more extreme when it comes to destructive urges and righteous anger. I need fi learn fi wrap mi head.never did it but love to see itwhy do they wrap their heads if we go uncovered to our Orishas? IT name Escape or (doan laugh) Flukt. Original Price from 28.27 "Typical average wear to the jacket with no problems". I wrote a comment in the discussion thread for the first video giving the link to this pancocojams post..I also asked there and here for any additions and corrections to the information that I included in that post. Erzulie Freda is the loa of romantic love. Sale Price from 26.85 Dantor was so pissed off she took her dagger and stabbed Freda in the heart. fATHER GOD, THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME BLACK AND AFRICAN AND JAMAICAN EXCEPT FOR DE DUTTIE GULLY QUEEN DEM, DEM AH BATTYMAICANS! it will likely be sudden and not always so welcome. This article negates the stereotypes of slave women in Haiti as weak, passive and compliant to colonialism and also challenges the . Obara, once the pact was madewas it followed through? She can be violent when she chooses to be, and has a personality Peace be upon us! Yu done one video already, lol. She works hard and fast for her children, and looks for the best solution to help them. In New Orleans, many traditional Voodoo altars are decorated with Catholic saints. He loves chasing women despite the fact he's married to Maman Brigitte, another powerful loa also associated with death. So I say to the dealer wow, never seen dark images before that bugger tell me is old them old and that due to Stalin wanting to burn things these were from smoke damages as wellman face favor toilet and mouth smell like oneme only go hmmmm, interesting, lolol,, The pic nah come up properly, click on the pic with the altar and erzulie and u see a priest a kneel before her. I am so happy to find this out considering that years before I was told that Oya governs me. Ela mais comumente representada pela imagem da Madona Negra de Czestochowa cujas origens so acreditadas ser em cpias do cone da Madona Negra de Czestochowa, foi trazida para o Haiti por soldados poloneses lutando em ambos os lados da Revoluo Haitiana de 1802 em diante. Wid all de cut inna har face!!! Beauty, love, and sensuality are her Creations. Ezili Dantor est associada com o negro do Haiti, seu favorito sacrifcio de animais, e as cores ouro e azul, s vezes verde e vermelho tambm para significar que ela uma lo Petro. In fragrances, she is drawn to the scent of patchouli and from 26.85, from 28.27 Erzulie Freda is the Vodou Goddess of love and beauty. Dantor will also help a person for very little sacrifice on their part. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );, In other words, even the day I am defeated I will still punish them. This beautiful goddess walks with me. nuh the pope head back dat mi si! When the Erzulie Red Eyes Danto enjoys Reve Doir perfume, which unfortunately isnt most readily available in the United States. This card can also suggest a woman who is a Erzulie Red Eyes shadows to herself. Ella es la madre ms perfecta que uno podra desear tener.Erzulie Dantor o Ezili Dantor sincretizada en la religin . They even share the same two scars on the dark skin of the right cheek.,,,, You may experience communications It should be on Netflix. Erzulie Dantor is also the patron loa of New Orleans and so she is served by many there as well. She was trained by Wayne D. Mogge and has raced for [Add Data], and was bred in [Add Data] by [Add Data] . Erzulie Dantor - The Mother of Haiti, the warrior who fought for the freedom of her people, of her children, she is the spirit of the marketplace, of hard work and of Motherhood. Original Price 6.78 This story is reflected in Freda's saint image where a gold knife is seen coming out of her heart, and is Dantor's saint image which has scars on her face. (5% off), Sale Price 17.39 New Orleans also had more oversight from the Catholic Church than Haiti, where the revolution allowed practice to continue unmolested. card can be a good sign because it represents certain bonds what cannot be She was a warrioress who fought with her people during the Haitian revolution. Certain beers may also be offered to her. She is their grand matriarch. He is very popular during times of war. This page ROCKS! If her sister is all sweetness and light, Dantor is the tough talking street fighter. 6.44, 6.78 A veces es descrita como una mujer herida y lastimada, que sostiene a un nio de manera protectora en una mano y en la otra un cuchillo. downfall, not the rage of Erzulie Red Eyes. Listed on Apr 27, 2023 Since each loa is responsible for a different aspect of life, there are hundreds of these spirits and each has their own veve symbol used to invoke them. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+*. suh how many would you define her energy, shes a like a water being and a spirit at the same time? by Obara Meji She is associated with other Madonnas who hold a child such as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady of Lourdes, and the Patron Saint of New Orleans, Our Lady of Perpetual Help. To an uneducated view, this looks like a song describing defeat. Erzulie Red Eyess Can you imagine the LEDs are a mock up of the light that comes from themdem nu smell good pon the fingers though, lol, We used to catch them in a jar for light , di jar had holes at the top, then release them after telling them thank you for their light Nature gives us all we need. Erzulie Freda, ou zili Freda, est l'esprit de l'amour dans l'aspect Rada. Erzulie Dantor is the compassionate mother of the oppressed, children, victims of sexual assault, the loveless and the forgotten. Bayyy to anyone who doubted my story of the art dealer, lol, The darkness is ascribed to various conditions [e.g. Here is another song for Dantor . Seu culto originrio da Africa como os outros loas. Obara do you understand the Ma at and the alchemy process that was in the African Spirituality article? you frequent hanted by a female spirit that is trapped there by some sense of No!! Oct 29, 2014 @ 02:56:45. Metalwork reproducing Ezil Dantor's vev. your life. It is said her partner which easily slides into anger. Les points communs toutefois existent: Erzulie Dantor est une guerrire, froce protectrice des femmes et des enfants, qui n'est pas sans rappeler le culte d'Ifri (desse guerrire de la Numidie antique rebaptise "Dea Africa" par les Romains, et qui aurait donn son nom au continent!). Erzulie Dantor is depicted as the Black Madonna, draped in luxurious robes with a crown on her head. Some will also serve her with more colors, sometimes seven or even twenty one colors. Danto is also considered a protector of children. Ezili Danto, also known as Erzulie Dantor, is a fierce loa or lwa (Vodou spirit) who protects women and children, es Dantor is a mother who watches and cares for her children very much. However, her own people cut out her tongue so that she would not tell their secrets should she be captured. Original Price 88.20 own devices and will cease to support them. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Ela a padroeira do amor, da beleza, das mulheres e da paixo. Yeah! Dantor is served with the Image of Mater Salvatoris, sometimes also known as Santa Barbara Africana, which is the image you see on the top left hand corner of this page. Ezili Dantor is seething but still stolid . Erzulie Dantor AEX 23.6K subscribers 2.6M views 9 years ago Erzulie Dantor, Ezili Danto, Ezili Ge Rouge, Black Madonna, St. Barbara Africana, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Voodoo Lwa of Love,. ERZULIE DANTOR VOODOO under this line ERZULIE DANTOR, FIERCE DEFENDER OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN In the Voodoo Pantheon, there is an important group of female loa (goddesses) . Ella puede ser una mujer dura, un poco salvaje, pero ante todo es una madre. Erzulie Dantor is the Voodoo Goddess of love, romance, art, jealousy, passion, & sex. This is the best day to wear her colors and sing for her if you plan to serve her. You can learn more about the history of the Vodou tradition and syncretizing their divine Vodou spirits from Africa to the New World due with these expertly written articles on the History of Vodou, Roots of Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo History, History of Louisiana Voodoo and All About Vodou within in our Voodoo Articles section. also to herself. Dantor is a mother figure and a protector of children, in addition to being a symbol of romance and love. Even outside Voodoo practitioners, Papa Legba is one of the most well known loa, and for good reason. In Voodoo ceremonies, the loas will often make an appearance by possessing one of the participants, a phenomenon referred to as "mounting the head". Qu significan los garabatos que hacemos inconsci Los Loas y la religin haitiana (10) Erzulie, la d Cmo influye la luna en tus emociones segn la neu LA INFLUENCIA DE LA LUNA EN TU CICLO MENSTRUAL. Un personnage rcurrent dans les peintures de Saincilus est Erzulie : elle est la loa de l'amour, de la beaut, des bijoux et de la coquetterie, mais aussi une desse guerrire et combattive. Ela uma me guerreira de pele escura e cicatrizada como a Dahomey Amazons ou Mino que significa "Nossas Mes" na lngua fom. A tarot Queen of Swords card may also be used. Freda represents not only love and femininity but luxury, material possession, and lamentation. Ezili Dantor. Erzulie Dantor likes to have a heart with two knives as part of her altar or near offerings to her.
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loas erzulie dantor 2023