endobj The 2023 Representative Assembly will be held April 2829 in Albany. "Our young teachers have the ability to get to Step 14B in 22 years, where I've been teaching 53 years and it took me forever to get to 14B. NYSUT United is a member publication of the International Labor Communications Association, Metro New York Labor Communications Council, State Education Association Communicators.Editorial and Production Department:518-213-6000 and 800-342-9810 (toll-free)Annual subscription: $15. This agreement is good for students and fair to teachers, said Rochester TA President Adam Urbanski. They gonna get there faster," Moore said. *=.i;p^S0_DF\u8L@`jST AIF&8|RPd@{*er3gR7|m|r0WVR0tIEdN:=v>G{|&$pDt7WgZBW/s~Wm *2[n+jrd}v p:t7&Md,u*;$\H(l ~W{]Jed\:[es9oEx+EF7 |^#S;)FKav88+ODWaRbt.o,KB[KN5OuixL0%rO).TvQ? Rowan arranged for the pair to meet with area labor relations specialists and helped them schedule speaking gigs at regional in-service local president meetings. "Plus they got 21 hours of professional development embedded in their contract. he Rochester Teachers Association overwhelmingly approved a new three-year contract in January, notching wins in salary increases, retention incentives, hourly rate increases and other key areas 80 percent of RTA members voted in favor of the new contract. Catania, too, sustained injuries during the attack, including a laceration to the head that required 26 stitches. This course could be a way to get kids engaged in the community and empower them to make a difference.. Additional savings come with most of our programs when payroll or pension deduction is utilized. Gloversville Teachers Association, Joseph Jerry Harrell April 18, 2022 Members of the Westbury TA held a successful book and pajama drive with educators collecting more than 400 pairs of pajamas and dozens of books. The current list of Trustees of the Member Benefits Trust includes Chairperson J. Philippe Abraham, Secretary Roderick P. Sherman, Amber Chandler, Loretta Donlon, Carolyn Kube, Natalie McKay, Anthony Nicodemo, Kevin Peterman, Angelina Rivera and Mike Sill. Annual premiums are divided into smaller payments and deducted from your paycheck or monthly pension benefit. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Some 92% of Hawaii public school teachers voted Wednesday to ratify a new four-year contract deal that includes 14.5% raises and other improvements to working conditions. he buying power of a membership composed of more than 650,000 NYSUT members generates significant savings on its own. On K-12 education funding, Pallotta thanked lawmakers for their partnership to fully fund school aid, with a 10 percent statewide increase. The book, based on a study of adepts from many spiritual traditions, distills practical techniques for individual improvement. H`J@B?/q.y3(pfOP .d All that changed when a colleague suggested she attend an online student debt workshop sponsored by NYSUT. Westbury Teachers Association: COBANC President Billy Imandt: Tricia Dempsey: Chris Randall - Left Coast Kitchen & Cocktails, Merrick: Coca Cola: Long Island Jobs with Justice: Hempstead Police: United Farm Workers: Local 94- IOUE: IBEW Local 1049: Blue Moon Italian Restaurant, Rockville Centre: Seaford Beverage: Fine, Olin & Anderman, LLP . The Westbury TA is led by Shahana Khairoola. Westbury Teachers. As per Westbury Teachers' Association Contract. 0 This year, during the 2023 New York state legislative session, our state leaders must craft a new deal for public higher education. Photographs and illustrations, as well as text, cannot be used without permission from the AFT. HONOLULU (KHON2) The Hawaii State Teachers' Association has been in a contract negotiation, and it has announced that they now have an outcome. While I love discussing literature with my students, I would be lying if I said it was my strength. While scorpions may be commonplace in Guatemala, where the bananas originated, they are seldom spotted in New York, and the cafeteria staff was understandably surprised. I like to use conversation as my therapeutic method to de-escalate a situation, but I am also trained to provide physical therapeutic methods as necessary for the students safety. endstream endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <>stream The guidance and support was nothing short of divine intervention, McCray said. Debbie was the epitome of all you would want in a member, serving equally important roles as an in-service member and a retiree member, said former Schenectady FT President Juliet Benaquisto. Click Here for the Westbury Public School's Reentry Plan for the 2020-21 school year. In recognition of her many years of dedicated service to the union, the Schenectady FT honored her with a NYSUT Legacy Fund award. We want them to know their involvement doesnt end. ?w ^L PmLLbPm`#BB endobj (See page 14.). Sounds of Wellness, part of NYSUTs Many Threads, One Fabric social justice series, shared the important uses of music when it comes to managing stress and reducing fatigue. RX{-e;nE|,%#b9AG2=o::&4mJ#QJA'nqw(vbueJ$i7D`J~3%"/M+B(;6|5a|h. Privacy Policy. You never have to worry about forgetting premium due dates or deal with the inconvenience of writing and mailing out checks. This is my 19th year with the district and doing this work as a former classroom educator is a gift; I already know many of the families from my years of teaching. Your NYSTRS EmplID is unique to the retirement system. One that focused on the three Rs relief for the economically struggling, recovery to help free the nation from the grip of the Great Depression, and reforms to prevent a similar economic collapse from occurring again. % <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 28 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> What started out two years ago as a Niagara-Wheatfield TA social justice project has grown into a districtwide Family Support Center, including a food pantry and closets stocked with hygiene products, coats and clothing. 17. But the IRS cautions that, for these expenses, it may be more beneficial to claim another educational tax benefit, especially the lifetime learning credit. Equivalent service fee amounts should be collected on the same schedule. Thanks @HHHTA for sharing this great news! A Brooklyn native, she recalled moving into her SUNY Stony Brook housing with black garbage bags. The NWTA is led by President Darla Schultz-Bubar. he impact of music on emotions, mental health and wellness was the focus of a February Black History Month event facilitated by NYSUT Secretary-Treasurer J. Philippe Abraham. Thats the nature of politics. The charter school industry can put financial burdens on traditional school districts, diverting millions in Foundation Aid funding to unaccountable charters. After realizing that many in-service members werent aware NYSUT had a retiree services department, let alone the benefits it offers in retirement, the pair met with Capital Region Staff Director Mike Rowan to develop a plan to get the message out. lE2a$w3M<=UHH,W> I am so proud to be a member of @nysut and know that in time, we will #FixTier6 and give her the same amazing career and retirement benefits her mother and I will have (@CoachReddinger), PSLF by the numbers: Todays number is 1.2. NOTE: Strikethrough indicates deletions. Michael Murphy, president of the Weymouth Educators Association, said the contract will provide a pay increase of about 13.5% over four years for teachers, as well as other benefits. In the time it took for her to cross the office and dial 911, the student lost consciousness. She was also an active in-service member, serving as a building representative and as Schenectady FTs high school vice president. As per Westbury Teachers Association Contract. @/*n%j9/}B$4g54\`Q>O'2 Collection of current contracts in digital format provided by New York State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB). Never in my 15 years have I seen such a thing and suspect that I never will again, said Kathy Collier, a member of the Norwich Educational Support Staff Association. Thats the number of dollars, in millions, that the educators from Commack, NY received in relief thanks to PSLF. We are exceedingly thankful for her many years of service and miss her greatly.. Submitted by the NYSUT Board of Directors. Though unions are the most popular they have been in decades, anti-union sentiment still thrives in red states and across the nation. A number of lawmakers voiced concerns that charter schools are not accountable, cherry-pick students and siphon funding from traditional public schools. NYSUT Member Benefits Trust. Click "Download Contract" to view the contract in PDF format. Its been proven that listening to music increases blood flow to regions of the brain that produce chemicals like dopamine and serotonin music has the power to evoke emotional responses in listeners., In addition to promoting wellness and mental health, music also played a key role in the historic and dangerous journeys enslaved Africans followed to freedom, continued Abraham. During a special limited time offer from May 1 through June 16, 2023, in-service members ages 1864 can enroll for $50,000 of life insurance with a Convalescent Care benefit that is guaranteed issue (i.e., no health questions are asked) and up to $300,000 by answering a few medical questions. 4 ]. Thank you for all youve given to our union and congratulations on all youve accomplished. After leading the union through the Great Recession; winning a no-holds-barred battle against a sitting governor; defanging a test-and-punish evaluation system; spearheading a no vote on a Constitutional Convention; cementing NYSUTs inner-strength after the Janus decision; and helping to keep students and members safe during a deadly pandemic, NYSUT President Andy Pallotta looked around, took a deep breath and concluded: It was the right moment to retire. This contract is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University. hen Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president in 1932, he promised the American people a New Deal. Catania said he is recovering well, thanks to the support of colleagues and students. (@SecCardona), Increase in worker productivity: 65% Increase in worker hourly pay: 17% Productivity has grown 3.7x as much as pay from 1979-2021.This is what I mean when I say the system is rigged. RA delegates will help set the union agenda for the next year as they debate more than 30 resolutions on pre-K through postgraduate education, legislation, health care, organizing and retirement. Salary and Benefits: As per Westbury Teachers' Association Contract. You leave a legacy of strength for our members! Dec. 26, 2022 . or South Country teacher Loraine Richardson McCray, her student loan debt felt like a life sentence. Through your MyNYSTRS account you can do a variety of tasks from the comfort of your own home, including updating your name and address, changing your beneficiaries, submitting prior service claims, estimating your pension or filing a retirement application. We are trained after school and we are paid for that training," Moore told HPR. 4 0 obj With the assistance of her colleagues, Miceli took the student to an exam room. Hawaii Public Radio | _si>{9j+$sZ! Vc}#Yp)*#/dr I love what I do because I am able to reach kids outside of the classroom. There will always be challenges. Contact him at
[email protected] or on Twitter (@CaseyHarlow). hen the student arrived in the nurses office at New Rochelle High School, the complaint was the same as most every other person who turns up there: they did not feel well. I took the vitals, which were unstable, Miceli said. I want to thank RTA members for your solidarity, for your active involvement, for your unswerving support, and for all that you continue to do for our students.. (See nysut.org/elections2023. Watervliet Teachers Association, Millacent Lewis | Jan. 5, 2023 The Westbury Teachers Association is an organization of professionals dedicated to the education and The amount you and your beneficiary receive is based on the percentage of your pension you wish to leave for your beneficiary, as well as your and your beneficiarys birthdates. Josh Green estimated the new agreement will cost $577 million, which he said the state can afford. The executive budget proposal clears the way for up to 106 new charters. Despite the adversity, the Westbury Teachers Association has taken it all in stride! In K-12 testimony before the legislative budget committees, Pallotta noted much of the good news in the governors budget plan was overshadowed by a disturbing plan to expand corporate charter schools. And retiree consultants Ruth Shippee, RC 9 & 10, and Sheryl Baker Delano, RC 12 & 13, are sharing that message with in-service members throughout their regions, one meeting at a time. In short 15-minute presentations they detailed how retiree groups are structured from broad retiree councils to formal and informal retiree chapters and groups and encouraged in-service members to join their local retiree organization and stay active after retiring. r=RB Learn more . The last contract with the district was signed in 2016 and members had been working under extensions to that agreement. Whats the first step districts should take when starting a community school? Meanwhile, Amber Chandler, Natalie McKay, and Anthony Nicodemo were appointed as new Trustees at the September 2022 meeting. %PDF-1.7 Westbury Teachers' Association Signs 100% of The District's New Hires on as Their Newest Members. Your pension benefit amount also depends on the payment option you choose at retirement. I love knowing that if I need any help I can reach out to another teammate for guidance. Contract Approved! 3 0 obj Westbury Teachers' Association Shahana Khairoola - President Lauren Boos-Barbosa: Vice-President Richard Canalini - Treasurer Directors: Jen Labek: Recording Secretary / Hospitality Jen DiCrescio: Political Action Coordinator (PAC) Patrick McGovern: Health & Safety Vania Duarte: PTA Liaison / Community Outreach Mike Villanti: Public Relations It was very violent out of nowhere, and I knew someone needed to do something, Catania said. The first step in setting up an account is visiting the MyNYSTRS registration page at secure.nystrs.org/MyNYSTRS/register. We were just excited about the content in general, but then when we sat down and started to plan it out, we realized what this course could be, said Eckhoff, a social studies teacher at Tri-Valley High School and member of the Tri-Valley Teachers Association. Unless otherwise specified, all dues changes commence on September 1. Households with multiple members will receive only one copy. All rights reserved. July 26, 2022 Promises made, promises kept. I can relate to a lot of my kids because oftentimes we come from similar backgrounds and even when we dont, they know there is no judgment passed upon them. Saranac Lake is a districtwide community school. cIB|?BT&U)vFI2|j=i7RbuFU[-:5df UTKHVZtNWcf*k{"a. 5hLaY:jt~7uLXc15`s4T&"OM-Gzej[]PX Qx^Q%dN>~Bh1SM#[Fl[$mY ;e1\0~uk(}pR75&>9=hw,mO;$TEg0^LTG^!.Z:PJq+uAGw(/8a%L\."-KyzvIvuo-2jCHZN/zeyQLN=V#{eEV;gYah\O[RPhz}Uf( a NYSUT has also unveiled its New Deal for Higher Education campaign calling for a significant investment in SUNY, CUNY and community college campuses. EXIT Realty Premier Elite Sheryl Volk Realtor. %PDF-1.5 % Instructional timelines are available at nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction. A new deal that offers recovery after years of operating under austerity budgets, and reforms to boost support for students in need. <> Teachers are wearing red to support public education, as front line workers teaching a hybrid schedule and only seeing a small percentage of their students. Weve accomplished so much. BOARD OF EDUCATION - Westbury Schools. Wendy Miceli, a registered nurse and member of New Rochelle Federation of United School Employees, recalled that the student was disoriented, frightened and admitted to using a vape cartridge. Like many NYSUT activists, Deborah Maxwell interpreted retirement broadly. Photographs and illustrations, as well as text, cannot be used without permission from the AFT. Loraine Richardson McCray, Bellport Teachers Association. orth Syracuse teacher Matt Root is used to being the helper not the one asking for help. YSUTs Social Justice Academy will hold its first session in early March in Albany. These districts could have invested $2 billion in student supports. An eligible educator is a K-12 teacher, instructor, counselor, principal or aide in public or private school who worked at least 900 hours in a school during the school year. NYSUT members receive a copy of NYSUT United as part of their dues benefit. 30 0 obj <>stream Amini died three days later in police custody of an apparent heart attack. Gov. Baseball After Life, a fiction about true love written by Ed Cicchesi, is dedicated to the late Linda Cicchesi, Bronxville TA/Bronxville Teacher Aide Unit. Instead, they were mandated to pay $1.23 billion to corporate charters. Visit nysut.org/publications. What does belonging to a union mean to you? The group has drafted seven position statements endorsed by local unions across the Island. hO@?~%*nkWnLDJ* g_Ba 6=D9H @(\|6PD)8;c$j=pqY4[.A2*Wmb>4IM1Af?r}:6r Pf;tp]w8,)^O\tn| W6-NX[=qcn-N>LpE4[:ETYyYmKzxijPlrE~=*5e~-VY91Y?eWvM?{.[Bd:;Fm M%iJzX $(A ^>-%*&. Women, life, freedom became their rallying cry. Jun. hile praising the executive budgets historic commitment to Foundation Aid, NYSUT President Andy Pallotta urged lawmakers to add funding for several crucial initiatives to help schools cope with the pandemics lingering effects and severe staffing shortages. he proposal in this years executive budget to increase the number of corporate charter schools in New York will undermine public schools and undo the historic investment thats been made in Foundation Aid. SED has posted an informational memo and table detailing the first and last administration of each exam. Were not done! Retired members up to age 70 may also elect coverage by answering some medical questions. 21 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<427FF4E3F98A54D2E75E7823B575EC30><31B4E98900632A44BCEA01FD083D1E27>]/Index[10 21]/Info 9 0 R/Length 67/Prev 70142/Root 11 0 R/Size 31/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream You serve as liaison for the Saranac Lake Community School. For example: Congratulations on making the choice to set up a MyNYSTRS account. We want to give members the tools and resources they need to be a force for positive change within their communities, explained J. Philippe Abraham, NYSUT secretary-treasurer, whose office coordinates social justice initiatives for the union. Kudos recognizes the accomplishments of NYSUT members. School monitor Henry Epps is a member of Greenburgh-North Castle United. (@RBReich). The team posited that the animal was a hermit crab or beetle, before finally settling on scorpion. In-service members often retire and think their union involvement is over, said Delano. corpions werent on the lunch menu at Gibson Elementary School, but that didnt stop one from showing up in a box of bananas. <>/Metadata 100 0 R/ViewerPreferences 101 0 R>> Trustees News Still, I felt like this was the right time to pass the torch., Local & Retiree Council Presidents Conference, Albany. It is the most sustained uprising in the 43-year history of the Islamic Republic and protests have spread internationally. Casey Harlow is an HPR reporter and occasionally fills in as local host of Morning Edition and All Things Considered. y"/[Gty. Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association, Catherine Holmes | Jan.13, 2023 stream Delegates will elect NYSUT officers, members of the NYSUT Board of Directors, an NEA Director and Alternate NEA Director, and state delegates to the AFT Convention. May. I could have chosen another district so I could experience something new. Early one Friday morning, food service staff were washing bananas when they found a scorpion in the produce box. Our superheroes dont wear capes. `p!r>:, Ww~#trPG[`X&Nc%X7^;(``*y9 0>[V- 20x9ig'rAxe&myg;8u\5EK(uG~go'_*eU bvf)LUcx/^siDtqkmOu_u/S?Va6GQUv? Coming back to Brentwood was like coming back home. Members of the Hawaii State Teachers Association approved a new four-year contract that promises higher salaries, paid professional development, and other benefits for public school educators across the state. NYSUT offers a lot in retirement.. Voter Registration Info & Absentee Ballot App, EWSD andEWTA Contract July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025, Side Letter Agreement - December 2022 , EWSD and EWTA Contract July 1, 2018- June 30, 2022, EWTA MOA Flu and Covid Vaccines - October 2022, EWSD and EWTA - Teaching Assistants, Teacher Aides and other Instructional Aides Contract - July 1, 2018- June 30, 2022, TA Aides MOA Flu and Covid Vaccines - October 2022, EWTA MOA Extra-Curricular Activities - dated October 17, 2022, EWSD and EWTA Teaching Assistants and Teacher Aides July 1, 2022 - July 30, 2025, EWSD and EWTA - Per Diem Substitute Teachers Contract - July 1, 2018- June 30, 2022, Per Diem Subs MOA Flu and Covid Vaccines - October 2022, EWSD and EWTA - Per Diem Substitute Teachers ContractJuly1,2022 - July 30, 2025, Memorandum of Agreement dated August 3, 2022, Memorandum of Agreement dated September 2, 2016, Memorandum of Agreement dated June 6, 2016, EWSD and CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME AFL-CIO (Custodial Unit) July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2015, MOA - Custodial - Covid-19 Vaccines - October 2022, EWSD and Association of Administrators of the East Williston Public Schools Contract July 1, 2018- June 30, 2023, Memorandum of Agreement AAEW - Covid-19 Vaccines - October 2022, Memorandum of Agreement dated February 13, 2023, EWSD and Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. 1000, AFSCME AFL-CIO (Clerical Unit) Contract July 1, 2018- June 30, 2022, EWSD and Lance McAllister datedAugust 3, 2022, EWSD and Diane Castonguay datedMay 10, 2022, EWSD and Edward Kemnitzer datedJuly 1, 2022, EWSD and Dr. Danielle Gately Amendment dated April 25, 2022, EWSD and Dr. Danielle Gately datedDecember 20, 2021, EWSD and Treasurer datedSeptember 7, 2022, EWSD and Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent dated October 27, 2022, EWSD and Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Superintendent dated October 27, 2022, EWSD and Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & Personnel dated October 27, 2022, Addendum to Contract - November 2020, Side Letter Agreement - December 2020 . <> To expand family support services, the district is now providing funding for Kirk and another social worker, Caitlin Jones, to oversee the project and work with community partners. He was interviewed by Latoya Alvarez, a union liaison and member of Greenburgh-North Castle United and a member of the NYSUT SRP Advisory Committee. Johnstown Teachers Association, Mary Jane Fredericks Between September and December, the food pantry fed more than 70 families and provided more than 700 hygiene products. When positions started opening, I was presented with job offers from two very different school districts. American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. As a football player, I know a lot about being on a team and this is what my union is to me. endobj Association and the Westbury Union Free School District, MA+30 Step 16. It also assures health and safety improvements at schools, as well as time for teachers to adjust whenever there is an emergency closure. The agreement comes after a long, hard-fought battle for the RTA and its negotiating team. So it was especially difficult for him two years ago when his doctor told him it was time to find a living kidney donor. Contracts . 13, No. My duties are to maintain a safe and structured environment for the students to learn by monitoring student behavior and providing therapeutic interventions. 3 0 obj 6:00pm - Westbury Manor Retirement Party. Nearly 250 years since our countrys founding, some Americans are still attempting to restrict others basic freedoms. The Trustees of the NYSUT Member Benefits Trust announced the launch of a, Saranac Lake Central Schools Teachers Association, NYSUT continues its practice of providing members with access to the unions certified audit for their review. Two thirds of my debt was compounding interest.. You need to have someone who can take a broad look at whats already happening in the district, to help students and families, and develop a master plan to support that work. He and the victim, Diamond Phillips, were both taken to Bellevue Hospital where they were treated for their injuries and released. EN. All semester, students worked on issues they cared about, including the opioid epidemic, lack of public transit, immigration and income inequality. Belonging to a union doesnt actually guarantee happily ever after, but it does help working people have a better life in the here and now.Click through to read the full column. She decided to call 911. The benefit you receive depends on your specific retirement plan and membership tier. 2 Hitchcock Lane, Westbury, NY 11568 P: (516) 876-1935 E:
[email protected] PERSONNEL BULLETIN FOR THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR: . They wont tell you how many people stepped up but I heard from others there were a lot of volunteers, said Root, who was well known in the community for his 26 years as a high school history teacher and starting a districtwide food program for the needy. %PDF-1.7 North Syracuse teachers Matt and Kim Root, How in Gods name do you do that? he thought to himself. Some features of this site may not work without it. In 202526, new exams are slated for Algebra II, Chemistry, Physics and ELA. ~2K,OoVw48kq~v_Z8w Ox{i{D2e5 But what happened next surprised him, as family members, friends and North Syracuse Education Association President John Kuryla spread the word via social media and emails. New York State Literacy (Birth-6) Teaching Certification . Westbury Teachers Association. For details, see, an active unionist both in-service and in retirement, Notification of Availability of Privacy Notice, Universal Life Insurance with Convalescent Care Benefit, special limited time offer from May 1 through June 16, 2023, NYSUT Member Benefits Trust Summary of Material Modifications and Notice to Participants, Long Island teacher grateful for huge student debt relief, Our SRPs: Henry Epps, Greenburgh-North Castle United, Social studies teachers embrace innovative approaches to civic readiness, New York needs a New Deal for public higher education, Womens History Month poster honors Jina Mahsa Amini. As per the Westbury Teachers' Association Contract. English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . 145 likes. HTj@+rYQh!Pv&y4b[Y->$?n:8[f3;7-_m0lm65bM( 0ZM c#caPNIdmU1|*R}P@Q&_#,| In AFT President Randi Weingartens latestNew York Times column, she describes what it is exactly that unions do. She said the discovery was so surprising that, initially, her team had trouble identifying it. 2 0 obj To honor an in-service or retiree activist from your area, visit. Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association. x\_s6$vvj4 ,9v$%Ykpf Galway Central School District and Galway Teachers Association (2004) Galway, Town of and Galway Highway Employees Association (2002) But eyewitnesses, including several women detained with Amini, report that she was severely beaten and died as a result of her injuries. Locals paid on a 10-month basis shall follow the 10-month salary schedule. Linda Cicchesi died from Lewy Body Dementia in 2021. x[YoH~7EA c+, }#^&)L 3R_ux4[b1#a22M/~2>Z^/}:n=9fO{DHq",Lh0(`HQb|)Yq3=bv;%65o:.;zCo; dy7K=1;4 z^cB p6vv}$,-J(hg(-wxxK.o;B oE1PMn. In 21 of New Yorks most charter-saturated districts, 61 percent of Foundation Aid increases over the last five years went to charters. Designating a staff person whos committed to the community school model, and who can do the work, is important. NYSUT Member Benefits,800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham, NY 12110-2455 800-626-8101Plan No. About $101 million will go toward improving the sub-sea cable infrastructure throughout the state. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The Westbury Union Free School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nion for Life isnt just a slogan its a fact. The first in her family to attend college, she worked five different jobs as an undergraduate but still needed to take out loans. This issue of NYSUT United contains important information regarding changes to NYSUT Member Benefits Trust-Endorsed Programs. hb``d``Ra +P#0p4 qB1C The Contracts section allows users to search collective bargaining agreements between public employers and public employees, including teachers' unions, school superindents, police departments, fire departments, and public authorities. % In addition, in-service members can purchase coverage for their qualifying spouse/certified domestic partner along with their children by answering a few medical questions. Upon leaving the classroom in 2012, after 40 years, the Schenectady Federation of Teachers retiree served on Schenectady FTs Executive Board as its retiree chairperson, helping to organize and rally local retired members. Im officially a classroom teacher on special assignment. K-12 educators have a little something to celebrate on the tax front this year. McCray racked up more loans to earn a masters degree in TESOL and advanced degrees in technology systems and school building leadership. _n96fxtaKp9m6RPXFP)H|6p\h0&mOaMf1aqL!Ud\Pnd/YQC2B-IJEnn 4n8wj"O$-NC. The convention will kick off with an expanded Local and Retiree Council Presidents Conference, held April 2728.